Page 6 of Embracing Darkness

He didn’t protest as I scrambled around for clothes worthy of my mother’s ridicule, making sure to transfer Fibo into the pocket just in case. Gianni waited by the front door as I dressed and then nodded to me as we stepped outside. “I’ll be back later to change out the lock, alright?” I still didn’t know why he was being so considerate but if that meant Owen wasn’t getting in, I was good with it. I managed a shrug and he squeezed my hand in return. “For the record, I wish things could have continued between us. You brought a lot of joy to the darkness, Rhys. Stay safe.” He helped me into the car and waved as I drove off, his words not registering until I was halfway down the road.

Gianni wants me.

Present tense.

I had half a mind to turn the car around and demand answers but it wasn’t in my best interest to do so. I was still raw from Owen’s assault on my emotions and picking up another relationship was the last thing I should be focusing on despite how much I wanted that man back there.

New things. Out of my comfort zone.

I tried to remind myself that it was for the better and turned on my music, raising the volume to level 35. The bass thumped, rumbling through my chest so that I could barely hear myself think, the soothing rhythm interrupted by a number rolling across my car’s dashboard.


I clicked ‘end’ and returned to my song only to have it pause again with Owen’s number. My brows furrowed as I grabbed my phone from my pocket, eyes dipping to the screen every few seconds so I didn’t drive off the road. Pulling over would have been easier but if I did that, any resolve I had left to make it to Mom’s house would die off with it.

Owen had called thirty-seven times in the last few hours. I had a few voicemails but I wouldn’t be listening to any of them. A slew of texts littered my screen, most of them asking about the guy who walked into the house and what I was doing with him. Which meant Owen had been lying in wait, watching my goddamn front door after I kicked him out.

I couldn’t deal with his shit right now, especially since he wasstillviolating the protection order, one that I wouldn’t enforce for fear of my job. Something he also knew. My only saving grace was that if he showed up to dinner, Liam and Joey would absolutely take care of the problem and Owen may actually spend time in a cell. A grin overtook my face that for a few hours, I may experience some peace from that part of my life—only to trade it with the hell that was the Knight family.

The thumping bass continued to rock through my chest all the way up until I turned onto my family’s street, the gated community making me gag. I grew up in excess and while I was thankful for it, I hated the attitudes that seemed to come with it. I turned down the volume and mentally prepared myself as I pulled into the driveway, content to waste away the next few hours in this vehicle rather than go outside.

My phone rang again but this time it was Mom and Ada gleefully screaming about me coming over and how it would be great to have the family together again. There was a mention of Owen and immediately I hung up, Liam at my car door a moment later.

“Hey, Rhys.”

I grinned as he opened my door and undid my seatbelt before pulling me into a hug. It was great having someone in the family who truly understood and cared. Joey stole me next, pressing a delicate kiss on my tender cheek. I winced, his eyes narrowing at the redness before addressing something else. “It’s been a while.”

“I’m sorry.”

Joel snorted. “Not asking for an apology. Just glad to see you in one piece. Everything alright?”

I shrugged, knowing that they would be able to see straight through a lie. I also didn’t want to rehash it. “Better now. Let’s go eat so I can leave.” They both burst out laughing but I was serious. I came to show face, get a free plate, hopefully, swipe some time with my niece, and then get the fuck out of dodge. There was a bottle of alcohol and raspberry danishes calling my name—both of which had to be bought from the store which meant I was already planning my escape.

Chapter six


I stared at the appetizer spread on the dining room table, not sure if I wanted to steal the last piece of salami or retire to the bedroom my parents had so graciously offered so I didn’t have to return home to the dwelling they didn’t approve of. Mom and Dad had been gung-ho about providing for my first place like they had with Ada but I followed in my brother’s footsteps to make it on my own.

The government program I was a part of more than paid my down payment and a few extra hours in work-study made up what I lacked in rent. I lived comfortably and most other expenses were covered by the grant. Still, Mom seemed to think that I could be doing better if I just leaned into the family name as she had mentioned repeatedly over the last fifteen minutes. Dad had said nothing to support my decision but I hadn’t expected him to.

Salami or no salami?

Instead of the normal ‘eenie meenie minie mo’, I ran through an algorithm to decide whether or not I wanted to take one more slice. I would have loved a piece of roast beef or ham but both of those were touching the cheese. When I heard the sounds of shuffling toward the dining room from the other side, I decided that the chance at the salami had passed.

“Oh, Rhys!”

And apparently, so had my freedom.

Trying to hide my scowl, I pasted on a fake smile and answered back. “Yeah, what’s up?”

Mom peeked around the corner, catching my gaze. Her freshly manicured appearance irked me, from the bouncy brunette curls down to the fake nails she wore. They were a bright pink this time, matching the regrettably pink shirt and pants outfit she had picked out for the occasion. Paired with a paisley scarf loosely tied around her neck, she looked like every white picket fence mother come to life. Unfortunately, this one was mine.

“Come help in the kitchen!” They didn’t need help; I knew that much. They just wanted me tomingleand that was one thing that I hated doing. Like what was the point of small talk? They’d ask questions. I’d answer them and then get berated for my answers because they weren’t what Mom and Ada thought I should have said. No, it was much safer here in the dining room with the salami.

Besides, they should have figured that my pension for small talk had been misplaced after all these years. After all, I was going for a PhD in Theoretical Statistics—if that didn’t scream antisocial behavior, I didn’t know what did.

Even Liam and Joey, after the initial greeting, left me to my own devices. Ada tried to smother me with words of wisdom but after ignoring her, she returned to the kitchen with Ernest. Tia must have been playing in her room because I hadn’t heard a peep from her and she usually attached herself to my side when I arrived.