There were no questions asked, no demeaning remarks, and no trying to tell me that it was nothing to worry about. Despite how dangerous these men could be, they put me first, packed themselves up, and were going to rescue me from a man I couldn’t seem to get rid of.
If that didn’t mean something, I didn’t know what did.
“Rhys! Dinner is almost done. Did you want chicken or, oh! You have leftover Chinese. I haven’t had sesame chicken in a while…” Owen continued talking to himself as I shuddered, a whimper escaping from my lips.
I cradled the phone against my ear, content to hear Dmitri’s breathing on the other side. Unfortunately, with how quiet I was being, I also heard Valentyn’s lead foot and the murmur of a deadly promise. “When we get there, I’m going to rip his head from his shoulders. And I swear to god, if there’s one goddamn scratch on Rhys' head, I will burn the motherfucking place down.”
Those words shouldn’t have made me feel special. They shouldn’t have made me feel loved. And they sure as hell shouldn’t have made me believe that maybe, just maybe Valentyn, Dmitri, and Gianni meant more than just the opportunity to be their temporary fourth.
Chapter nineteen
I stayed on the phone, shaking as a new wave of tears overtook me, my mind spiraling out of control.
“Stay with me,” Dmitri uttered again. Valentyn’s angry curses and Gianni’s soothing voice in the background helped keep me present amidst Owen’s disturbing chatter. A knock on the door came again, drawing out a scream as I scrambled further into the cellar, pressing myself up against the stone wall in the far corner. I was still in plain sight if Owen somehow found his way down here but for now, the darkness was like a warm, wet blanket.
“I’m… I’m here.”
“You’re doing so well. Three minutes, alright?”
I nodded and then mumbled a yes, whimpering and hoping that Valentyn would actually follow through and rip Owen to shreds. Before tonight, I had never actually been this terrified of my ex. After today though, I never wanted to see Owen again.
“Alright, sweetheart, we’re coming through the front door. You’re going to hear a lot of loud noises, alright?” I mumbled another yes, doors slamming and something that sounded an awful lot like the click of a hammer ringing in my ears. “Don’t hang up and don’t undo the bolts until I say pomegranate.”
I choked on a laugh, “Pome – pome-”
I couldn’t even get the word out. Dmitri chuckled. “Yes. Something odd enough for you to know it’s me. Ready? Count with me, Rhys.” My voice wobbled as he counted down from three, splintering wood and Owen yelling echoing through the earpiece. Curses were slung through the living room, Owen quieting immediately when I heard a lone shot released into my house.Is he dead?
Steps prodded down the hall, shivers running down my spine as I huddled against the stone, my knees pulled against my chest, waiting with bated breath for my rescue. I wasprettysure that I hadn’t just invited more darkness into my house, that these men were going to save me rather than drag me into more shit. I did know one thing though—I trustedwaytoo easily.
The footsteps stopped and then I heard the secret word. “I can’t,” I whispered, unable to connect Dmitri’s soothing voice with the safety he was providing. The only thing I could think of was that when I opened that door, Owen would be on the other side.
“Sweetheart, Owen is taken care of.”
“Is he dead?” I asked, not sure of what answer I wanted.
A pregnant pause met my question before Dmitri answered. “Just incapacitated. You can come out now.”
And as much as I wanted to, I just… couldn’t. A sob tore from my throat as I curled up into a ball, rocking myself back and forth for comfort.
“What’s going on?” Gianni’s voice could be heard from the earpiece. “Shit, Rhys? We can’t get through the deadbolt.”
“I can’t,” I muttered again, feeling like a failure. My math couldn’t help now. Nothing could. My saviors were here and I couldn’t muster up enough strength to let them in. The air shifted around me as a screech erupted into the cellar, the slow slide of the tiny window at ground level raising my hackles.
Two deep blue eyes peered through the small opening, Valentyn holding Paval across his chest as the kid clung to him. I stared in disbelief at the duo, Valentyn smiling down at my crouched position. “It’s alright, sweetheart. You can go up the stairs now.”
I didn’t move though, paralyzed by fear. Gianni and Valentyn switched off with warm words and while I felt safe again, I couldn’t find the energy to move. “Why didn’t you call 911?” I finally asked.
Valentyn sighed. “You wouldn’t have called us if you wanted 911.”
Paval squirmed in his father’s hold, “I can do it.” A silent conversation passed between them, Paval reaching up to drag his fingers down his father’s face. A torrent of emotions ran through Valentyn’s gaze before he released his son, the little boy shimmying through the open window like he had done it a billion times. Valentyn slowly lowered him until Paval wiggled to be let go, the small thump of his feet making me gasp with something akin to relief.
Paval ran over to me, arms wide as he launched himself at my chest, burying his face in my neck. “I told Daddy I could do it.”
I didn’t even know what to do. The kid washereand he was comfortingme.I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight, the phone abandoned on the floor as Gianni started speaking. “Paval, baby, you got him?”