“I’m guessing you don’t know that he called again last night to check on the status of the renovation?” He asked and I shook my head. “Did you even know we were coming?”
“Not really. Owen kind of handled house repairs but we’re not together anymore and haven’t been for months.” Valentyn still hadn’t answered my question regarding what this was about and Dmitri’s stoic expression wasn’t providing any answers. I took a step back, running my fingers through my hair again. “Is this about Owen? Did he do something? Is that why you’re here? I don’t… you’re not one of them, are you?” I knew I wasn’t making any sense but Owen would come back with a few bruises here or there and these men absolutely could have been the cause.
I didn’t think theywouldbe but it was a possibility.
Valentyn dragged me toward him, shushing me with a simple kiss on the forehead as he wrapped his arms around my back. I immediately melted into his chest. “Is it supposed to be this fucking easy?” I mumbled.
“I didn’t even know you two days ago and now, I’m here—wanting more and…” I cut off my train of thought, not sure where I wanted to go with it.
Dmitri chuckled, a warm hearty sound that made me relax even further. He moved toward my side, catching my attention even as I pressed myself against Valentyn’s chest. “You’re allowed to be selfish, Rhys. We all are in our own ways. Paval gets three fathers. We each have multiple men that love us.”
“Love?” I squeaked, unable to fathom that. I thought I had been in love with Owen and even before that, I definitelylikeda few of the boyfriends I had had growing up. But love?
Valentyn tightened his hold around me, nodding. “It’ll come in time. Maybe not with us, but there will be someone out there who will love you to the depths of your heart.” Another kiss was pressed to my temple. “And maybe I’m a little selfish thinking that it might be us.”
Dmitri grinned at that declaration. “I’m glad Gianni found you, Rhys.”
“Why? I’m just a statistician.”
“Rhys,” Valentyn purred, the rumble in his chest running through me and settling in my pants. “You’re much more than your numbers. I hope one day you can see that.”
I wanted to believe that, even if I realized that they had somehow still not answered my questions about the kitchen renovation that seemed to be anything but Owen’s involvement. I was sure they were connected somehow, including the darkness that swarmed around these men. It would only be a matter of time before I figured it out. I just hoped that it didn’t interfere with my work and didn’t drag me any closer to the shit that Owen somehow kept bringing to my door.
I should have had more of a problem with how comfortable I was not knowing the true nature of their jobs but my heart was charging full steam ahead and I was inclined to follow it. Just once, I hoped that I could trust more than my numbers.
Chapter eighteen
They left shortly after lunch, not once making a joke about how I stuffed my face with three sugar donuts at a time. Gianni stole the bag before I could finish the last set, pointing to the lunch entrée I had ordered and demanded that I take a few bites of ‘real food’. I grumbled playfully through several bites, Paval dancing around my living room until Valentyn shot him a glare to sit down.
We sat huddled together and I couldn’t help the giggles that slipped through my lips as Paval’s happiness seeped into my living room. Leftovers were stored in my fridge as they doled out kisses and silent promises to return tomorrow. I still hadn’t been able to ask them about this renovation but there would be time again in the morning.
I’d make sure of it.
Paval hugged my thighs tight before leaving, my heart constricting just a little as I waved goodbye. Dmitri caught me as the others headed out to the truck, his long fingers digging into my chin as he held my gaze. “You gonna be alright?”
I nodded, giving him a small smile. “Yeah, I think so. I’ve got some schoolwork I have to finish.”
“And not what I was asking. You need anything, you call us, alright?”
A frown replaced my smile as my brows furrowed. “I can call 911.” What could they do that the police wouldn’t? Even as I asked myself that question, I cringed.
He snorted at my reaction. “I’m serious, Rhys. Something happens, you call us.”
“What is this truly about?”
The Frenchman gave me a long look before releasing my jaw. “Hopefully, it’s nothing. We just want you to be safe. Lock the door behind us, Rhys.”
More cryptic words that I didn’t understand and yet I felt safe enough to obey and ignore the outside world if even for a little bit. There would always be tomorrow to ask my questions.
Laptop whirring to life, I unlocked the safe and pulled out my proofs and algorithms for the first time in two days. For a moment, it was entirely silent in my house as I sat in my computer chair, swiveling around to see the emptiness of my home.
For years, that’s all I had wanted. To be surrounded by numbers and silence. People lied. They cheated. They hurt others. Numbers were safe. They either worked or didn’t and in most cases, figuring out another path, they ended up working. After having those four loveable men in my house, things changed.
Numbers didn’t fill the same void as they had before. I reached into my pocket and pulled out Fibo, running my fingers along the swirls and while it provided a bit of peace, it was nothing in comparison to having Paval’s trust or Gianni’s adoration or seeing Valentyn and Dmitri’s desire as I gorged myself on sugar donuts.