Page 6 of Just a Client

For a small woman, she had a punishing grip. She dragged me back to the RV, muttering expletives under her breath the entire way.

“Everyone out,” she snapped as soon as she opened the door. Stephen and two others scurried away like Kate was the Wicked Witch of the West.

“You, inside.” She pressed a hand to the center of my back and shoved hard.

I hustled up the steps. Inside the RV, it was Kate’s turn to try meditation breathing to get her emotions under control. Good luck. I didn’t think that coping mechanism functioned in Texas.

“This will not work. She hates me and has every right to. We need to get that Darrell guy.” In business, I got what I asked for when I asked for it. Perks of being a billionaire.

“Explain.” Kate’s hands were on her hips, and she radiated frustration.

I was a foot taller than her, but still a little scared she might hurt me.

“We met yesterday when I arrived at the rental house. I was... a bit of an ass.” I shrugged, not wanting to go into details. Like how I goaded Cameron into parading around the patio naked for my viewing enjoyment.

“A man acting like an ass. Not shocking. But let’s recap, shall we? You were an ass but expect me to fire her?” The look she gave me implied I was once more being an ass and she would not enable more of my unacceptable behavior.

“Replace her, please.” I added extra emphasis to the last word.

“No. She is perfect.” Kate held up her hand and counted off all the reasons Cameron would stay. “She is local, pretty, smart, great on camera, and you already signed a ninety-day exclusive representation agreement with her.”

“I did?” I tugged at the scratchy collar of the Western shirt.

“Yep. E-signed it last week.”

“She wants to stab me with a rusty spoon.”

Kate’s eyebrow raised. “Wow, I reserve that kind of anger for ex-boyfriends.”

“I was a giant ass.” In retrospect, my behavior yesterday was bad. Me jerking off in the shower last night to the memory of her body was even worse. And working together was a horrible idea. We’d already blown past lines that colleagues shouldn’t cross. In my life, business and personal stayed a million miles apart.

I’d learned that lesson the hard way. No need to revisit the minefield.

“So, apologize. You need to fix this, or we’re both shit out of luck.”

I shook my head. “Please, Kate, she is just a real estate agent.”

“Oh, no, she isn’t.” Kate’s voice rose a few decibels, filling the small RV. “She is a former Miss Texas contestant. Her brother-in-law owns the biggest real estate brokerage in the county. Her brother is the sheriff. And if all that isn’t enough, her grandmother is the mayor of Elmer. So yeah... “

Cameron has a brother-in-law... and thus a husband. The news hit like a kick to my solar plexus.

“It’s her or no show in Elmer.” Kate rubbed her temples, her eyes half closed, clearly imagining her show tanking.

I could let it tank. Tell Kate I wouldn’t do it. Let the contract with Cameron expire and call the Darrell guy in three months to shop without a TV audience. Tempting, but not tempting enough to forgo the millions in advertising that I’d traded to the production company for my new product line. I’m rich because I’m not stupid.

“Fuck.” I muttered.

“Yes. Fuck. We can’t piss off the sheriff and the mayor. Plus, if you plan on living in Elmer, you better learn to love her because everyone else in this town does. When we did background on her, not one person had something bad to say about Cami. She is a living, breathing saint. A widowed, single mom who was born and raised here.”

The word widowed loosened the vice that was squeezing my chest. Thank God, no husband. My relief was short-lived, replaced by a sensation that every adult with a conscience knows. It’s the messy ickiness of shame. My behavior yesterday was unacceptable, and it was time to own it.

“Could I have a few minutes alone with her to apologize? Mend fences without the cameras.”

“Don’t make me regret this.” Kate’s glare burned with the power of a thousand suns.

Chapter 3
