Page 33 of Just a Client

“That’s a lot of work I hadn’t planned on.”

“True, but with five bedrooms in the main house plus a bonus room and the two-bedroom guest house, there is a lot of potential.” I dragged open the rusty door to the storage building and flipped on the overhead lights.

“You could use the guest house while you remodel the main house, then switch. You know?”

“Sure.” He wasn’t excited about this plan.

I should shut up.

“And it’s not like you live here full-time.”

He didn’t respond. Mayday. Mayday. Real estate agent going down in flames! Time to let him see the real reason I’d brought him to this property—the land.

“So, have you ever been on one of these?”

A big, shiny quad ATV sat in the middle of the workshop. The keys were in the ignition, and there was a full tank of gas onboard. The listing agent had told me I could use the monster to show my client the property.

“Do snowmobiles and jet skis count?” He looked more interested, circling the ATV. All men love a big motor.

“Woohoo, that means I drive. There are over a hundred acres on this side of the river for us to explore.”

I tossed my leg over the ATV. Scooting forward, I left him plenty of room. He frowned at the seat behind me.

“No one will take your man card for letting me drive.” I raised one eyebrow and gave him the same saucy look I did at the boot shop when I waited for him to put his foot on my ass.

With a muffled curse about cowgirls, he slid on behind me.

His hand landed on my waist, one long finger threading through my belt loop. Then the rest of Wilson pressed up against me. My core body temperature rose like it was a hot day in August.

I had not thought this through.

The small seat shoved us together—no room to escape. My ass in my cute jeans rubbed his fly if I moved even the slightest. Trying to put some space between us so I could cool off, I leaned over the handlebars, but he tugged me back.

Oh, this was such a bad idea.

There were butterflies in my stomach, and I wanted to melt into his arms like the heroine on the cover of an old-school bodice-ripper romance while whispering, take me, my lord.

“Maybe next time I’ll ask around and see about getting us some trail ponies.” I tried to chuckle, and it came out a breathless gasp.

“Really? I don’t see anything wrong with this.” His voice was deep and husky, and his lips almost touched my ear as he spoke. His chin rested on my shoulder. My cute little belly butterflies went up in a puff of white-hot desire.

With a trembling hand, I turned the key and started the ATV. Sexy man behind me or not, I had a job to do. The trails on this property were well marked, leading from the homesite up the side of the hill to the top. I wanted Wilson to see the view from the summit.

I did my best to keep focused on the property, stopping at a few of the scenic overlooks and a big picnic area along the trail. Having him behind me was like spooning in bed. Another visual I didn’t need.

We fit together seamlessly, absorbing the bouncing and jostling in tandem, the bumps throwing us against each other over and over. Delightful friction. The sensations were not helping me do my job; I kept forgetting details and stumbling for words when I stopped the ATV to point out a feature of the property.

I mentally stripped away our clothes and imagined us horizontal, moving together like this. Skin to skin, nothing between us.

I gunned the engine on the ATV, trying to outrun my lurid thoughts by charging up the summit trail. Wilson held on tight, and my heart thundered against my ribs. The fast acceleration and the thrill of Wilson’s touch were a heady combination.

He whooped loudly, urging me on. The mottled shade of the wooded trail blurred into flashes of darkness and light. I swerved the ATV up the twisty path, and we both laughed and shouted. I hadn’t driven an ATV stupid fast like this in years. We slid through a final hairpin corner and caught air off a bump. Dirt kicked up around us when I braked hard at the trail’s end. Ahead, the panoramic view of the valley appeared—we were at the top.

I killed the engine. Wilson’s grip stayed tight around me. Hot and hard. Neither of us moved for five or ten long, charged seconds. Lingering. With a near groan and a last squeeze, he let go and dismounted from the ATV. The cool breeze at my back was a poor substitute for his firm chest.

Legs weak, I followed his lead but turned to face the opposite direction. Eye contact would not slow my racing pulse. My skin tingled, and my blood thrummed in my ears. Until my internal temperature returned to normal, a six-foot separation would be wise.

The view was awesome. The hill we’d climbed on the ATV was one of the highest around, nestled into the bend in the river. You could see almost to the next county. We both took a moment to turn in all directions and soak it in. The town of Elmer lay off to the left, and the river to the right.