Before I could agree to him, she was standing there. In her blue dress, her eyes looked even more intense. She looked right past me, going straight for Bryson. “Are you ready?” she asked, taking a deep breath. It was the question everyone asked the bride and groom the most on their wedding day.No wonder people got cold feet.When she let out a breath, it shook, but the grin on her face said she was barely containing her excitement.
He nodded, shooting me one more pleading look over her shoulder. “I’ve never been more ready.” The two of them hugged, and Bryson walked away, making his way to the front of the line and leaving Amanda and me at the back. It would be a minute before we were walking after him.
“You look breathtaking,” I said, and she gasped.
Amanda looked at her dress and touched her hand to the loose curl that hung at the side of her temple as if she was trying to determine if she believed me or not. Finally, she smiled, likely deciding she did.
“Thank you. You clean up pretty well yourself.” Her smile was soft and didn’t hold any of the annoyance it normally did. Was she being genuine?
“Where’s your boyfriend?” I asked, holding out my arm for her.
“Like I’ve told you, he’s not my boyfriend,” she snapped, hooking her hand over my elbow. My arm tingled where her fingers rested, and I swallowed. “We’re not seeing each other anymore. I told him I’m done, so you can put your map of Texas away.”
I laughed loudly enough I was sure they heard it in the chapel. Amanda beamed, proud of herself for her joke, and my stomach flipped. “Good,” I said.
“Good?” She looked confused, and when she pursed her lips, I considered kissing them again.
I nodded. “Yes, good. I told you that you deserve better. I meant it.”
For a split second the room around us disappeared. The music through the speakers got quiet and there wasn’t a crowd of people waiting to get through the ceremony and to the drinks. It was just her and the way her eyes were locked on mine.
“Maid of honor and best man, you’re up,” the coordinator said somewhat forcefully. We looked up to see the rest of the line had moved and were making their way down the aisle.
Amanda giggled, biting down on her bottom lip and blushing, and my stomach sank. Bryson’s request hung heavily at the back of my mind. What would he do if he knew I’d been knuckle deep in his sister last night or that I suddenly couldn’t stop imagining her lips around my cock when she smiled?
I didn’t think I could stay away.
“Mackenzie, you’ve always been like a sister to me, and now you really are my sister,” Amanda said, raising her glass of champagne and sniffling. She was beautiful, even with the tears, and I tugged at my tie. “So if you’ll all join me in a toast to the new Mr. and Mrs. Hutchins. Congratulations, you two!”
The sound of glasses clinking together spread around the room. Amanda leaned forward to kiss the bride on the cheek, and my eyes were drawn to the deep-cut neckline that was exposing her cleavage. I blinked and took a long gulp of the water in my glass.
When she stood up straight, her eyes met mine before she gave me a quick once-over she likely thought I wouldn’t notice. I smirked at her, reaching for the microphone in her hand. She held it a moment too long, and when my fingers met hers, I was sure she felt the same shock I did. She let go, taking a gulp of champagne and stepping to the side.
“The maid of honor, everyone. Doesn’t she look stunning tonight?” Amanda narrowed her eyes at me when I said it, blushing when the crowd clapped and hummed in agreement. “It’s really a shame we can’t say the same about her brother.”
Her laugh rang out above the rest, causing the butterflies in my stomach to erupt, and when Bryson glared at me, I couldn’t help but join her in the chorus. “I’m just playing with you. Really, this man is one of a kind. Mackenzie, you probably could’ve done better, but I can guarantee I can’t say that for him. You are so out of his league. Are you sure you want to settle?”
“It’s too late now,” Bryson said, and Mackenzie kissed his cheek.
“Really, all jokes aside, let’s get serious. You’ve shown us all that when something is right, you have to trust your heart and let it lead you. Don’t stop taking risks together. That’s what it’s all about.” I held up my glass. “To the new mister and missus. Cheers.”
Amanda’s eyes didn’t waver or move from mine when she sipped her champagne, and my stomach flipped. I couldn’t look away until Bryson slapped me on the back. He hugged me, still laughing. “I’ll kick your ass for some of those jokes,” he said, and I joined him with a scoff of my own.
“I’d like to see you try.” I winked at him and flexed before he was pulled away by his bride.
“That was hilarious,” Amanda said quietly, stepping up behind me. Her arms were crossed over her chest when I turned around, pushing her cleavage up, and I bit the inside of my cheek.
I nodded. “Thank you.”
“Who knew you were capable of being so sweet and thoughtful,” she added with a giggle.
She looked proud of her dig, and I cocked my head. “There are a lot of things you don’t know about me, angel. If you’re not careful, you’ll learn about all of them.”
Amanda shivered, looking relieved when the DJ made an announcement calling all single ladies to the dance floor. “I need to go,” she said, choking on the last word. She gulped the last of the champagne in her glass in desperation before she scurried off with her blue dress flowing behind her.
I planted my feet. If I didn’t, I was going to run after her. She settled off to the side of the small crowd of women desperate to catch the small bouquet. Unlike so many of the others, she didn’t look eager to win.