“Yes!” I said, ready to remind him of all of the times he’d interrupted or startled me. The spilled wine on the counter last weekend flooded my mind. “Very much so, actually.”
He shrugged. “I think you don’t want to admit you like me.”
“I don’t like you.”
Drake stopped at a red light, switching the song. “I think you have acrushon me.” He laughed.
“I’m seeing somebody, remember?” I crossed my arms defiantly over my chest, ready to shoot down any accusation that I felt anything for him that wasn’t utter disdain.
Drake nodded slowly. “Right. Why didn’t he come pick you up then?”
“He was busy.”He didn’t answer his phone.I winced, grinding my teeth together as the light turned green.
“Uh-huh. I’m sure he’s plentybusy.” Drake’s stare bounced between me and the dark street we drove down. What was he implying?
I looked out the window, watching the dark buildings blurring under the streetlights. “He’s a busy man.” Why did I need to defend myself? I didn’t care what Drake thought. “It’s none of your business anyway,” I added.
“You’re right. It’s not.” He sounded angry, his words hanging heavy in the air.
He was silent the rest of the drive, the only sounds being Mackenzie and Bryson in the backseat, Ed grumbling, and the music mixed with the road purring beneath us. I could feel his stare on me every few minutes. I kept my gaze out the window, but his head turned in the reflection.
By the time he finally pulled into my driveway, I was the last person in the car. He had dropped Mackenzie and Bryson off first, likely tired of hearing their backseat make-out session. Part of me had hoped he was going to drop me off before he took Ed home, but when he pulled up in front of Ed’s house, I knew that had been an empty wish.
“Thanks for the ride,” I said sheepishly, climbing out of the car. A small feeling of guilt weighed on me, and I hesitated before I closed the door.
“Any time.”
I rolled my eyes.Yeah, right. “I’m sure.”
Drake opened his door, climbing out and following me to the front porch. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing.” I unlocked the door, pushing it open.
He scoffed. “It doesn’t sound likenothing. What is your deal?”
I whipped around to face him, stumbling over my heels and reminding myself of the number of drinks I’d had. “What’s my deal?” I nearly shrieked. “I told you from the start I didn’t want your help! Yet you’re always around now trying tohelp me!”
When I walked inside, he followed me, slamming the door shut behind him. “I know you don’t need my help.” His voice was gentler than his actions, and he closed the distance between us. For every step he took towards me, I took one back until my back met the wall across from the door. “But you shouldn’t be so quick to turn it down. You’re really good. Youcouldbe unstoppable.”
I glared, my mouth feeling dry. The scent of vanilla and sandalwood surrounded me and made me dizzy.Maybe it was the alcohol.“I have help.” I couldn’t swallow when I tried to.
“Who? Your worthless boyfriend?” The anger radiating off of him was palpable.
I stomped my foot, throwing a fit like a toddler. “He’s not my boyfriend!” I shouted. “And he’s not worthless!”
“Is that why he picked you up tonight?” Drake leaned towards me.
“He... I… He was busy.” I chewed the inside of my cheek, looking down at my feet. I wanted to walk away, but his stare held me in place. When I took a deep breath, my chest met his, and the breath hitched in my throat.
Drake scoffed. “I’m sure he was.” He hooked his finger under my chin, lifting my gaze to meet his. “Why are you so willing to settle for less than you deserve?” His voice was throaty and low, and when he swallowed, the lump in my throat moved too.
“I’m not,” I said, holding my breath.
“Youare.” Drake stared at me, the silence between us filled with shallow breaths. Then he closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. “Fuck.”
The word was cut off when his mouth slammed into mine. Drake grabbed both sides of my face, taking control of my lips. His tongue guided along my bottom lip, passing into my mouth, and my knees locked. Drake Moore was kissing me.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. One of his hands drifted down the side of my body, resting on my hip and leaving a tingling trail along my skin. I whimpered, my moan getting caught between our lips.