“But you wonder how that could work, right? Because, you’re you and he’s him and both of your worlds are so different?”
Sage nodded and sighed.
“Trust me, I’ve been there. When I first came here, I was looking for my former best friend, my childhood crush. I had an instinct that Nate would help me, that I was safe with him, and I was right. What I didn’t count on, was falling in love with the man he is today.”
“But what they do—”
“And corporations are any different? They shut down businesses and put thousands of people out of work, they embezzle, they cheat on their taxes. Most of the people in those places are predators, but in a nice suit,” Rochelle scoffed. “Don’t get me wrong, the Hellraisers aren’t saints by any means, but they also aren’t the monsters some folks make them out to be. They’re upfront about living their own way of life. But once you’re one of their own, they’d do anything for you. Protect you until the end.”
“I can protect myself,” Sage whispered.
“Everyone needs a little help now and then. Even us badass women.”
Sage thought about everything Rochelle had said and the woman wasn’t without reason. All Sage had to do was look at Blane. He was leading a so-called ‘normal’ life, with a regular job and a house, but he was no saint either.
No one was. Not even her. Not after everything she’d just done.
And she liked living here in Longford. The country life and the bikers next door.
Or one biker in particular…
Could her and Dante have more than just shared passion?
Sage had thought that by solving her sister’s murder she would have closure and peace. But the truth was, she’d never be fully content. And she couldn’t go back to the life she once knew. Everything was different and that was okay.
The only question remained – would Dante want the same thing?
She suspected he did but she also knew that it was going to take a lot to make that man see what was right in front of him.
Sage was tough and resilient. Plus, she had patience. More than most.
And most important of all, she had determination – when she wanted something, she went after it.
And Dante was it.
“You look like you’ve come to a decision.” Rochelle smiled knowingly.
“I have. Now all I have to do is convince Dante.”
“It may be easier than you think.”
“Flirt with another man and you’ll find out real quick.”
Sage shook her head. “I don’t like playing games.”
“It’s not a game. Think of it as giving him a little nudge.”
Sage was about to respond to Rochelle’s idea when Jesse came running into kitchen, a black bag in his left hand.
“They’re on their way back but Dante was hit. I need your help.”
Sage stood up but she couldn’t speak. Her worst fear was realized and there was nothing she could do.
“Why aren’t they taking him to a hospital?” she finally blurted out.
Jesse shook his head. “That’s a last resort only. He was only shot once, and I’ll see what I can do first. That way, no questions, no cops.”