Page 58 of Hell Bent

“It’s fine.” She waved him off and walked off down the hallway.

“Hey! Let me fucking finish what I was saying,” Dante yelled out.

He caught up with her as she was reaching the front door. She slipped on a pair of boots and grabbed one of his jackets.


“It can’t be anything more. I mean, look at the two of us,” she blurted out, her long hair covering her face.

He cupped her chin and tilted her head back.

“I am looking at you. And I see a lot more than I did when I first met you.”

“I see a lot more to you too. You’re more than just a flirt and a rough and tough biker.”

“And how do you know that?”

“Just the way you touch me. But don’t worry, your secret is safe.”

Sage smiled and made a zipping motion over her lips.

“Just… don’t make any rash decisions.”

He barely got the words out over the sudden lump in his throat. He wasn’t used to talking about his feelings and he was nervous as fuck.

“Rash decisions?” she repeated.

“Yeah, no disappearing act.”

“Where am I gonna go? I have my sister’s case to put to rest.”

“And after?” he asked, unsure if he really wanted the answer to the question.

Sage licked her lips and stared up at him. “I… I hadn’t thought that far ahead.”

Dante’s chest tightened. “That’s what I thought.”

Then he let go of her. If he didn’t, they’d end up back in his bedroom. The last thing Dante needed was an angry club president breaking down his door.

Sage nodded and stepped aside.

Dante opened the door and held it for her, surprising even himself with the gesture.

Once she walked past him, he turned and locked the door.

As they walked down the steps, she reached out, offering her hand. Dante took it, interlocking their fingers tightly.

Why did that feel so good? So fucking right?

Why did being with Sage make him feel like he was riding on top of the fucking world?

He didn’t have the answers and he was too shocked by his intense emotions to process what was going on.

“So, what goes on at this bunker?” Sage asked.

“It’s an old hunting shack on the north end of their property. We use it for storage and for… interviewing people.”

It was so much more than that. The club had built a system of underground tunnels for their smuggling and drug operations. And it made for easy cleanup when there were bodies that needed to get gone.