Then he left Dante and Sage alone.
“Time for bed,” Dante ordered and motioned to the hallway.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. You can stay in Avery’s old room.”
Sage shook her head. “Your usual women might like it when you order them around in that tone, but not me.”
“You’re in my house now. My house, my rules.”
Dante stepped right up, backing her against the wall.
Sage licked her lips and Dante’s eyes followed the movement. Without thinking, he reached up and traced her swollen lower lip with his thumb. Sage let out a shaky breath and Dante cupped her face.
“For once, let go of your stubborn mindset and just listen for a change. It’s been an exhausting day. You need sleep.”
Sage’s expression morphed from irritation to understanding.
She nodded.
“I’m going to help you into the room and get you settled, all right? It’s not me being a chauvinistic asshole. I’d do the same for anyone that was injured. Sometimes we need a helping hand. Ain’t nothing wrong with that.”
“Okay, you’re right,” Sage sighed. “Are you going to let go of me now?”
“Do you want me to?” he asked, his eyes locked on her lips.
God, he wanted another taste of her. Just one.
To see if it really was as good as that first kiss. And to prove to himself that this was just a case of simple lust. It didn’t mean more than that.
It couldn’t.
Until Sage leaned up and kissedhim.
And then he knew.
He was hell bent on this woman and there was no turning back.
Why does kissing this man feel like the best worst decision I’ve ever made?
Was it because of the adrenaline that was still racing through her system?
Maybe partly.
But not entirely.
When she touched her lips to Dante’s, it set off a million fireworks in her belly.
For once in her orderly life, Sage wanted to be reckless. To take what she needed and not think about all the what ifs. To just feel the moment.
To submit her control to someone else. To someone who made her feel more than she’d ever expected to.
Sage hadn’t had anyone care about her in years. Not since the end of her marriage. No one to lean on but herself.