But Dante’s attention locked on Sage. Unlike before, she didn’t make eye contact and was staring out the window. It was then that he noticed her lips or rather, the redness of her lower lip. The swelling…the bite mark.
“What the fuck did he do to you?” Dante demanded.
Sage turned her head and met his gaze with cool eyes and a raised eyebrow. “What does it look like?”
“He bit you?”
“That was his stupid attempt at showing me he liked it rough and that he was in charge. He wasn’t so tough a few minutes later when he passed out on the floor like a rag doll.”
“Who was it?”
Sage sighed. “Axel. The blond one.”
“I’m gonna fucking end him.”
“Not if I get to him first. And I don’t need you to fight my battles or some such crap. Especially since you and I are nothing to each other.”
For some reason, her words sliced him worse than if she’d cut him with an actual knife.
“But by all means, stop at Valley Girls on the way home,” she hissed. “Pick up the strippers and fuck all of them. I. Don’t. Care.”
“Good,” Dante barked.
“Fine,” Sage bit out and crossed her arms.
She turned away again, her face now shielded by the long tangle of her hair.
Turning back to face the road, Dante caught Sonny’s smirk out of the corner of his eye.
“What?” Dante snapped.
“Nothin’. Just enjoying the show.”
Dante wanted to scream but held himself in check. His usual methods for relieving stress - riding, sex, or drugs - were out of the question for now.
Ten minutes later, they exited the highway and were back on the route that led directly home.
Then his phone pinged and so did Sonny’s.
Slipping it out of his pocket, Dante read the message.
Avery: Trip to Delirium was a success. We brought home two special guests and they’re waiting for you in the bunker.
“Looks like it’s gonna be a busy night. We got company waiting for us.” Dante showed Sonny the message.
“My work is never done,” Sonny replied with a grin.
We’re ten minutes out. Wait until you see what Sage got.
When they pulled in to their compound a short while later, Dante noticed Xander and Jesse on the steps of the clubhouse, fighting again. But this time, Avery was acting as referee. Not that they were listening to her from the looks of it…
Avery waved them off and rushed down the stairs. She sidled up to the driver’s window as Sonny parked.
“Those two are driving me out of my fucking mind,” Avery sighed.
“Fight club,” Sonny declared.
Avery nodded. “I think you’re right. We should put them in the barn and let them pummel each other until they can’t talk at all.”