He looked forward to every morning, waking up beside her. And the nights? The sex only got better, hotter. It was primal, fierce, and unexpectedly the best sex of his life. And now, getting Kara pregnant was all he could think about. All he had to do was convince her. She was still on birth control. But not for long.
He wanted to ensure that she was tied to him. Always.
“He’s still on the run. They tracked him to Tulum. Jasper’s going to work with Alek’s guy. I’m hoping they bring this idiot back to Chicago.”
“Chances are the guy has spent the money. Or maybe he’s got it hidden somewhere. I hope Alek is prepared to question him at length.”
“No problem there.”
“I have several clients that I’d like to introduce you to. They’re from Europe but they do a lot of business here. And I think they’d align well with our casino expansion.”
“How about we host a party this weekend at the place in Jersey? Invite them, and some of your best employees for a night of gambling and debauchery.”
“I’m already working on it,” Kara smiled. “Great minds and all that.”
The heat that flashed between them had Gio’s blood sparking.
Until someone knocked on the door.
“It’s not Roman, he’d text first. Stay here,” he commanded Kara.
Reaching into his desk, he pulled out his Glock and headed for the hallway. “Who is it?”
“It’s just me.”
Gio recognized the voice and slid up to the door, glancing through the peephole.
Gio opened the door, gun in hand.
“The fuck, Tiko? Call first. I told you not to show up like this.”
“Sorry, Mr. Tall, Dark, and Dangerous. I was shopping nearby and wanted to see if Kara could join me for lunch. I didn’t have to send her a formal invitation before.”
Gio shook his head at Tiko’s sarcasm and ushered him into the penthouse. “She’s in the office.”
“Big gun,” Tiko commented.
“You should see my real one,” Gio replied with a smirk.
“He’s right.” Kara smiled as she met them in the hallway. “You need to text me first. And yes, Gio does have a very big gun.”
“Let’s go have lunch. I need gossip time,” Tiko announced.
“Go ahead, I’m grabbing a bite here and then Roman’s picking me up. I have a business to check up on.”
Kara kissed him and grabbed her coat. “I’ll be back by four.”
“Let’s go out for dinner tonight.”
“Sounds good.”
Kara and Tiko left and Gio was alone again.