Gio motioned for her to sit down, pulling out a chair for her. She looked up at him, tempted to say something about his old-fashioned manners but she held back given where they were. She met his gaze and he raised one eyebrow. She smiled back at him and sat down. Gio rested one heated palm on her shoulder, and she looked up at him.
She didn’t want to look anywhere else…
“No way. I hate Florida, can’t stand swamps. I used to travel back home to Sicily in the summer months but now even that’s too much. The long plane ride plus those goddamn cobblestone streets.” Mario lifted up his cane. “They’re not made for old men like me.”
“You seem very fit,” Kara replied as Laura entered the room with a large platter of antipasti.
After placing it in front of them, Laura grabbed a pitcher from the sideboard and poured everyone a glass of water, then headed back out of the room.
“I try to stay active.” Mario turned to Gio. “I had Laura do all the cooking today. Nonna is upstairs, she’s not feeling well.”
“What’s wrong? Does she need a doctor?” Gio asked, concern etched on his face.
“She’ll be fine. She just needs rest.”
“I’m going up to see her,” Gio responded and quickly left the room.
Mario turned on Kara.
“So, Gio moved you into his place. What’s your deal?” Mario demanded.
He grabbed his cane and hit the floor with it. The resounding thud startled Kara, but she quickly recovered. “You after his money?”
The change in tone from polite to hostile was not entirely surprising to Kara.
“I have enough of my own.” She smiled and calmly took a sip of water. “I don’t need Gio’s.”
“Ah yes, the brothel,” Mario growled.
“I prefer to call it the escort service. And it’s the oldest profession for a reason. There’s no shame in what I do. There’s a demand, and I’m happy to supply. Hiring a sex worker is not taboo anymore.”
“But it’s still illegal,” Mario countered, his blue eyes pinning her in place.
“In this country. We really need to get over this puritanical view on sex, don’t you agree? And don’t talk to me about illegal. Your whole empire is built on it.”
Mario inhaled sharply.
“You’re a clever woman. Bold. And, as I said, a knockout. Gio would settle for no less. But I don’t know you and I don’t trust your motivations. If you’re planning on manipulating my grandson, you better think again. I still have reach and I will do everything in my power to protect him. And destroy you.”
Kara leaned forward, meeting Mario eye to eye. “Gio and I have an understanding. We’re both out for the same thing. And we make a formidable partnership. Together, we’re going to go bigger than New York. He needs a partner who’s as strong and smart as he is, and let me tell you, I am all that. You want your legacy to continue after you’re gone? I’m the woman who’s going to make it happen.”
Mario leaned back and studied her. Kara kept eye contact and refused to back down.
Mario nodded.
Gio came back into the dining room and looked between them. “Everything all right here?”
There was no doubt as to the tension in the room.
“Everything is wonderful.”
Kara’s words belied her racing heart. Still, Mario hadn’t shown her the door. She felt that she’d won that round. She would take the victory.
Gio stood beside her, his hand on her shoulder again. She looked up at him and smiled.
“Is she everything I told you about?” Gio asked Mario.
“She is all that,” Mario replied. “You’ve chosen well. And now, let’s have a toast.”