Page 44 of Filthy Desire

Gio heard everything that Kara said but it didn’t change his mind.

Kara was right. They were using each other.

But her friend Tiko was also right. Gio and Kara had a chemistry that couldn’t be denied. He didn’t know what the fuck he was doing, except doing what felt right. Was he acting a fool? Only time would tell.

Roman had asked him if he was sure about this plan.

Gio’s only response was a terse reply. “Keep packing.”

After talking to Jasper, who was boarding his flight to Mexico to find Colton, Gio called his grandfather.

“Gio, why you calling so late? What’s wrong?” his grandfather’s deep voice echoed in his ear.

“I’m coming over to dinner tomorrow night. I’m bringing someone.”

“A woman?”

“Yes, Kara.”

“The gypsy?”

“She’s not a… well, maybe she is. Yes, her. I’m moving her in with me tonight.”

Mario coughed and cleared his throat. “Hold on, what do you really know about this woman? You don’t move her in like that, after knowing her for two weeks. I don’t care how great the sex is.”

Gio laughed. “I know what I’m doing, Pops. I know what I want. And she does too. She’s it. She’s the partner I need. I know it. She’s the future mother of my children, your great-grandchildren.”

“Well, thank God for that. But a madam?” Mario laughed. “What does she know about kids?”

“What did you know about kids before you married Nonna?”

“Smart ass,” Mario snapped. “Bring this Kara woman by tomorrow. Six. Don’t be late.”

As usual, Mario had the last word.



Two and a half hours later, Kara said goodbye to Tiko, with a promise to meet for lunch next week. Gio shook Tiko’s hand, and a look of understanding passed between them. The man’s worry was still evident, but nothing else was said.

Roman called Gio’s alternate driver and they loaded up that car with Kara’s stuff and headed home. Home. The home he would now share Kara.

Gio should be panicking by now. He was moving Kara in with him. Into his sanctuary. His one place of calm from all the chaos that was a regular part of his world.

But his palms weren’t icy, and the walls weren’t closing in. Gio had accepted Kara’s appearance in his life as his fate, his destiny. He knew it, and when he glanced at Kara in the back of the SUV, her vivid green eyes told him that she knew it too.

And now, there was nothing he wanted more than to be alone with his woman. To make her wholly and completely his. The woman who was going to stand by his side and help him grow his empire. The woman who would one day carry his children.

Just the thought of making Kara pregnant had Gio’s dick painfully hard.

That was another first.

He’d carefully avoided the parent trap for thirty-five years. And happily so.

But now? Just thinking about filling her tight pussy with his seed, and imagining her belly swollen with his child? His future?

His balls were fucking aching like never before.