Then she began searching the dressers and the nightstands. Fucking hell.
Gio tapped his phone, calling Roman.
“What’s up, Gio?” Roman answered.
“Get that fucking woman out of my bedroom! She’s taking pictures and snooping through my stuff. I don’t know what the hell is going on but grab her phone and keep her locked up until I get there.”
“Right away, boss.”
Why would the woman take such a stupid risk? Did she not understand the terms of her contract? Did she have no idea who he was?
He could have her disappear in the blink of an eye and no one would ever find her.
Gio tapped the feed again and watched as Roman and Vincent entered the bedroom. The woman screamed but Roman grabbed her purse while Vincent threw her clothes at her, urging her to get dressed. The woman put her dress back on but kept yelling and throwing a fit as they dragged her out of the bedroom and down the hallway. She was pulled into Gio’s private office and Vincent cuffed her to a chair.
Roman headed back out into the hallway and tapped on his phone.
Gio’s cell rang.
“She said she did nothing and is obviously pissed as hell,” Roman muttered.
“Bullshit, she was looking through my stuff and taking snaps. I’ll deal with her as soon as I get there. I need you to book a call with the agency. I want an explanation for this behavior, and I want it now,” Gio demanded.
“On it. See you shortly.”
Gio’s plans for the evening went down the shitter as he stared at his phone. Could this day get any worse?
Thankfully, his driver got him to Brooklyn within half an hour.
Once inside the underground garage, he was met by Roman. Escorting him to the private elevator, Roman handed over the woman’s phone.
“Has she said anything else?” Gio asked.
“Nope. I got you an appointment with Kara Delaine at 9 PM.”
“The owner of the Q Agency,” Roman replied.
“Right. Sorry. She’s got a lot of explaining to do,” Gio growled.
By the time the elevator reached the penthouse, Gio’s temper was smoking hot.
He stalked down the hallway and entered his office. Vincent was sitting on a chair opposite the blonde.
“Good evening,” Gio announced.
The blonde jumped and stared at him with wide eyes, black streaks of mascara running down her face.
He walked around to sit behind his desk, taking his time and controlling his words despite his anger.
“My name is Gio Ferraro and I’m your client. Or I was, until I saw you rifling through my bedroom. I want an answer from you. Tell me why you were searching my room. And before you answer, think very fucking carefully. I’m not a man you can con. Tell me the truth.”
The blonde bit her lip. “I was looking for drugs, and cash. I need a hit real bad. Or, at least money so I can get a hit.”
Gio leaned forward and noticed the woman’s bloodshot eyes, the sheen of sweat on her far too pale skin, and the quick breaths she was taking. “You’re in withdrawal?”
The woman nodded vigorously. “I just need one hit of coke and I’ll be good to go. I--”