“I’m not cold,” she snapped and made to take it off.
“Your bumpy skin says otherwise. Leave it on,” Gio ordered and took her hand as they walked up the stairs to the entrance.
“Yes, sir,” she replied.
“Exactly. Do as you’re told and I might decide to cut you loose after tonight. Disobey me and we’ll see what happens.”
Kara’s face and neck flushed a deep crimson and Gio chuckled. “Let it out, Red. It’s not healthy to keep your Irish-Italian temper bottled up.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea where you’re concerned. I’d like to live to see tomorrow.”
“No one’s guaranteed anything.”
“Are we going to stand out here all night and discuss philosophy or are we going to play?” Kara responded and cocked her head.
Roman coughed but it sounded more like a laugh that he’d tried to cover up.
“Get your smart ass inside,” Gio grumbled as Vincent held open the front door.
A rush of hot air and the sound of chatter greeted them. Gio walked into the main salon, where the blackjack and roulette games were going on. The smell of expensive cologne, cigars, and booze filled the air. Men in tuxedos and women in designer gowns and jewels littered the floor.
Hannah, a tall brunette in a slinky black dress, approached.
“Good evening Mr. Ferraro, can I get you and your guest a drink?”
“Kara?” Gio asked.
“Champagne, please.” Kara smiled.
“Make that two, Hannah,” Gio responded.
“I’ll have Lila send your drinks over to table 1. Enjoy your night,” Hannah replied and quickly headed for the bar.
Kara took off his jacket and held it up for him. Gio turned and slipped it back on. Only this time, he was hit with the sexy, edible scent of jasmine and vanilla. Whatever perfume she was wearing, Gio was a fan.
“One moment,” Gio murmured to Kara.
Gio stepped away from her and then turned to Roman. “I want to speak to Danny Lucas in an hour. Make sure I have a room in the basement.”
“You got it.”
“Meantime, do your tour. We’ll be fine,” Gio responded and motioned for Kara to follow him.
He got a look at the crowd tonight and noted several billionaire entrepreneurs, Wall Street execs, as well notable celebrities. Normally he did the rounds and greeted everyone, but he didn’t want to stop and get asked any questions about Kara.
Instead, he nodded to people as he went, leading Kara to the table closest to the bar. Two seats, as well as five stacks of chips, sat waiting for them.
Gio pulled out a chair for Kara. She reluctantly sat but not before giving him a dramatic eye roll.
“I’m not above spanking your ass in front of these people. Stop giving me attitude,” he growled.
She flipped her silky hair over her shoulder and gave him a smirk. “You’re such a relic. Do the women in your life really fall for these ridiculous displays of so-called chivalry? Kind of ironic, considering that you’re definitely not a gentleman.”
Kara nodded at the others seated at the table until Gio placed his hands on her shoulders. He surrounded her tender neck, squeezing gently. Her pulse point beat an uneven rhythm under his thumbs, igniting his blood.
Leaning down, he whispered in her ear.
“Well, you’re not a lady so I guess we’re a perfect match.”