“Yeah, apparently the media ruined her life.”
“No shit. That scandal was front page news for over a year.”
“Not only that but get this. She runs the most exclusive escort agency in the city. But I imagine she has a legal business as a cover.”
“A senator’s daughter is a madam? This story gets better and better.” Jasper cackled.
“I didn’t call you to offer entertainment. Find out everything you can about her and send it to me by Friday. I want financial details too, all of it. I don’t care how you get it. And keep your mouth shut.”
“You don’t need to tell me, Gio. I’ve got you.”
Gio hung up and let out a sigh. He trusted Jasper but like everyone in this town, he could be bought for the right price. Jasper’s business, like Gio’s and Kara’s, relied on discretion and keeping secrets. For now, Gio felt safe enough sharing information with him. He’d been on his retainer for over a decade and never had a problem.
Curiosity got the better of Gio as he began to research Kara on his own. Her name didn’t yield…anything. She was a ghost.
He searched her old name and hit the jackpot. News articles, gossip sites, social media. He perused several sites and made a few notes, saving them in a private folder. Then he made additional phone calls in preparation for the week ahead.
Next Saturday night was going to be one to remember.
Kara had received only one communication from Gio during the week.
Or fromBigDickHeadas she now referred to him.
She’d gone and changed his handle in her phone to reflect his new title, erasingNumberOneClient. Her life and her business may be hanging in the balance, but she still had a sense of humor about the whole thing.
BigDickHead: My driver will pick you up at your front door at 7:30 PM sharp. Cocktail dress, four-inch heels, no underwear. We’re going to visit one of my establishments for a drink and then back to my place. My driver will drop you home at 2 A.M.
Kara rolled her eyes at his request. No underwear? How risqué…not. He may be a mafia don, but Gio wasn’t that different from most men.
Kara: Have you had a good week?
I bought five apartment buildings, fired two employees, and jerked off twenty or so times. It was a good week.
Twenty times? Sounds like you have an itch you just can’t scratch. Or a dick that misses my warm, wet throat. I guess I’ll have to do all the work tonight since your hand is probably cramped. That’s okay, I’m so good, you won’t need to do anything but lie back and enjoy it.
You’ll be the one on your back. And your front. And any other position I want. And my dick can get wet anywhere.
I know the truth Gio. It was the best BJ of your life. You’ve probably jacked off to thoughts of my expert suction all week.
It was satisfactory
Don’t lie
It was fucking amazing, all right? And now I have very high expectations for tonight.
Well, I haven’t fucked a man in over five years, so this pussy is nice and tight for you.
Kara had to admit that even though Gio was a hothead and a scary motherfucker, his charisma could not be denied. Their sharp exchanges sparked a strange kind of fire inside her. One that she hadn’t felt in…ever. It had caused a few sleepless nights this week, which was unlike her. She didn’t fret over any man. But maybe she’d been housebound too long. That was probably it.
She wished she could see Gio’s face as he read her last message. No doubt he wouldn’t believe that a woman who ran a sex empire was celibate. In her experience, men were mostly concerned with their own pleasure. Their pleasure, their control. She’d yet to meet a man who was focused more on her pleasure than his.
Kara was happy on her own, with no one to answer to but herself. And she had a battery-operated boyfriend when she needed release.
That’s a joke, right?