She opened the fridge and took out a bottle of pinot grigio. Pouring a glass, she took a long sip.
“What does that mean?” Tiko asked. “And why does your voice sound funny?”
She choked on the wine and started coughing.
“Are you okay?”
“Fine, I’m fine,” Kara managed to reply as she cleared her throat. No doubt she’d have a sore throat for a day or two thanks to Gio’s ginormous cock. “I just had business to attend to. A client who was less than happy with his service.”
“And what? You had to make it up to him?”
“Well… yes. He was very angry and with good reason. My employee showed up and started looking through his stuff. She was going through drug withdrawal and needed a hit. Or money to buy a hit.”
“Oh fuck. Did she steal anything?”
“No, he has a lot of security.”
“He sounds like one of New York’s high rollers.”
“Very high but also very dangerous. Trust me when I say you do not want to mess with this guy. But I think I managed to assure him that it won’t happen again. Only…”
“Only what? What did he make you do?” Tiko’s concerned voice had her hesitating.
She told Tiko everything. He was the one person with whom she could fully be herself.
“Let’s just say I haven’t turned a trick in a while, but I’ve still got it.”
“No fucking way! You slept with him?”
“No. I gave him the best blowjob of his life. He threatened to ruin my business and I couldn’t let that happen.”
“He could do that to you?”
“With one phone call,” Kara responded as she took another sip of wine.
“Who the fuck is this guy?”
Kara hesitated but decided to tell him. “Ever heard of the ‘filthy don of New York’?”
“Sure, Giancarlo Ferraro.” Tiko paused. “He’s the guy? Kara, he’s a gangster. A mafioso. Honey, I love you, and I admire your business model but maybe it’s time you think about another line of work. I know the big boys pay big money but is it worth your safety?”
“I appreciate your concern, Tiko, but I know how to handle men like him. And I have to see him again next week.”
“How long is this going to go on?” Tiko asked.
“Until he’s satisfied that I’ve paid for my mistake.”
“But a man like that can’t be trusted. He could ruin you anyway.”
Kara sighed and walked out to her living room. “I know that. That’s why I need to go next week. The more I’m around him, the more information I can glean. I need to find something that I can use as leverage if he tries to fuck me over. No pun intended.”
“I don’t like the sound of this at all. I’m worried.”
Kara sat down on her tufted couch and put her feet up. “I’ll be fine. I’ve been dealing with jerks like him my whole life. He enjoyed himself way too much tonight and I’m going to keep pressing on all his buttons until I learn one of his secrets.”
“I know how stubborn you are, so I’ll say no more. But promise me you’ll stay in touch. And reach out if you need help. Ray and I are always here.”
“I’ve already told you too much. And I don’t want you to get involved at all. In fact…”