Page 55 of Filthy Desire

Blood seeped out of Colton’s mouth, and he lay still, along with the rest of the garbage.

“Roman, you and the guys clean it up,” Gio commanded.

Gio put the safety on his gun and shoved it back in his jeans, then raced over to Kara.

“Baby, are you okay?” he asked as he pulled off the gag and untied her.

“I knew you would find me, I fucking knew,” she panted.

“Thank fuck for your GPS alarm. Jesus Christ, Kara don’t ever scare me like that again,” Gio bit out as he pulled her up and into his arms. “I just found you…I… I can’t lose you.”

Their gazes clashed, the spark of electricity snapping between.

She knew exactly what he wasn’t saying, just by the look in his eyes. It shocked her and thrilled her at the same time.

“I love you too, but we need to get the fuck out of here. I’m sure someone out there heard those shots,” Kara murmured. “The money, it’s over there.”

Kara pointed to the bag near Colton’s body. Gio ran over, grabbed the bag, and took her hand again.

“Can you walk?” he asked her.

“Are you kidding? I’m ready to fucking run.”

“That’s my woman.”

Gio smiled as he took her hand, and they ran out of the building.

They headed for the car, shoving the duffle bag in the back.

Gio drove fast but not crazy. He didn’t want the cops pulling him over for speeding. Especially not with a car full of cash and a freshly fired gun.

“Is Tiko okay?” Kara asked.

“I left him at the penthouse. I’ll call for a doctor for you and for him when we get there.”

“I’m fine. Shaken up, but I’m okay.”

“He tasered you, baby. You need to get checked out.”

“Yeah, okay,” Kara whispered. “Fuck, I was fine before and now I can’t stop shaking.”

“Did he touch you?” Gio asked.

“No. He didn’t care about that. He was just using me to get to you.”

“Well, he learned his lesson the permanent way. No one messes with me or my woman.”

“I knew you’d come for me. I knew you’d come.”

Gio shifted in his seat and took her left hand in his right. The potent combination of lust and adrenaline had his body trembling. No, not just lust. There were deeper feelings that he was finally ready to voice.

“So, back there, you told me you loved me. Was that gratitude talking or did you mean it?”

Kara placed his hand over her chest, over her heart. “You feel that?”

Gio nodded in return.

“It beats only for you.”