Page 43 of Filthy Desire

His eyes were full of irritation as he yanked his arm. Roman nodded and finally let go.

Gio stepped up beside Kara and slid his arm around her waist. “Gio Ferraro.”

Gio held out his other hand and Tiko tentatively shook it.

“Tiko Hanes. You better not hurt Kara. I’m small but I fight dirty.”

Gio shook his head. “I won’t. But be careful who you threaten.”

“She’s one of my dearest friends, and I only have a handful of those,” Tiko murmured as he placed his hands on his hips. “I’m willing to brave it.”

Kara leaned forward and gave Tiko a side hug. Or as much as she could with Gio holding on to her. She turned and gave Gio one raised eyebrow. He did nothing but return the gesture.So possessive, she mouthed to him.

Fucking right, he mouthed back.

“Are you going to stand there looking pretty or are you going to help me pack?” Kara asked Tiko.

“I’m not pretty. I’m fucking beautiful, just ask my husband,” Tiko scoffed. “Now, what can I do?”

Gio’s phone beeped, and he finally let go of Kara’s waist. “I’ll take this in the kitchen.”

Kara pulled Tiko down the hallway.

“I just need my clothes. Gio is sending a packer tomorrow to get the rest of my stuff.”

“Of course, he is,” Tiko looked back and then they slipped inside her bedroom. “Honey, I see what you mean. That man is pure sex appeal. Those killer blue eyes - sorry, poor choice of words. Thick, dark hair, and those lips…”

“Focus, Tiko,” Kara whispered as they stood in front of her closet.

“Still, it’s my duty as your best friend to tell you, again, that this is crazy.”

“Crazy for normal people yes. For me, and Gio, not at all.”

“So, what are you now? His girlfriend? His mistress?”

Kara threw two pairs of shoes out of the closet as she stared at Tiko. “I don’t know. We haven’t discussed it. Maybe I’m still his madam.”

“Not funny, honey. What if he turns around a week from now and kicks you out? You let go of the lease here and that’s it.”

“I have my own money; I’d find someplace else. I’m a survivor, Tiko. You know that. You are too. We always have a contingency plan.”

“And what’s yours?” he whispered.

“Like I said, I have my own money. I started over once and I can do it again. I’m a strong bitch. And let’s be honest. I’m using him just as much as he’s using me.”

The words felt wrong as soon as she said them.

But, then again, maybe that’s all she was capable of? She wanted him, yes, but outside of sex and their shared business interests, what could she offer? She didn’t have experience with relationships.

Except the transactional kind.

Tiko looked at her and shook his head. “I don’t think that’s true. Maybe at first, when you were only concerned about saving the business. But I saw the way you looked at him out there. And the way he looked back at you? Mmm. Like you were a prize worth keeping. Apparently so, since we’re packing you up and moving you in with him. I just hope you know what you’re doing.”

Kara chuckled.

“I don’t, but that’s part of the thrill. If you don’t gamble, you don’t win.”
