“I’m coming over,” Tiko replied.
“No, I was only joking when I answered the phone. I--”
“I want to meet this guy. See you soon, hon.”
He’d already hung up.
“Shit!” Kara yelled.
“Problem?” Gio asked as he sauntered into her bedroom, Riley still in his arms.
Traitor cat.
“My friend Tiko is on his way here to help me pack.”
“Good, I’d like to meet him.”
“He’s worried about me.”
Gio nodded as he walked around her room, his eye roving over every square inch. “He cares.”
“He does. He also thinks I’m nuts,” Kara replied with her hands on her hips.
She glanced at her suitcase and wondered the same thing.
Gio carefully placed Riley on the carpet and stalked towards Kara.
“You are. And so am I.”
Gio smiled as he slipped his arms around her waist and brought her in for a possessive kiss.
“But you and I, we’re two of a kind. We make our biggest decisions with our gut, not just our brains. And this feels right. It feels…inevitable.”
Kara swallowed hard and nodded. It did. She couldn’t deny it. A powerful ache filled her chest. She knew that she couldn’t deny this man anything.
“Grab the basics for now. Roman’s getting some stuff from the kitchen. I’ll have an organizer come back tomorrow and pack up the rest of your place.”
“I need to notify the building management and--”
“Already done.”
“But how--”
“Are you already forgetting who I am in this town?” Gio walked over to her closet and began to throw dresses into the suitcase. “No more talk. You’ve got two hours.”
Kara quickly grabbed another bag from her closet and headed for the bathroom.
Twenty minutes later, Tiko arrived.
She knew it was him because she heard Roman and Tiko arguing. Poking her head out of the bedroom she saw Tiko, at five eight, being held immobile by the six foot plus, Roman. Tiko was in his after-hours black silk jumpsuit and a face full of makeup. He must have come directly from the club.
Kara rushed into her living room. “Roman, let him go. This is my friend, Tiko Hanes.”
“You heard her, let go of my arm. I’m a performer for God’s sake, my body is my living,” Tiko snapped.