Page 99 of Blurred Lines

Only a minute later, I get a tag from Brendon and I’m smiling before it even loads.

The picture is of us standing next to each other at the costume party, his arm around my shoulders, and I’m looking at him with love in my eyes.

Somehow, I managed to trick this guy into putting up with my shit for the rest of my life. Or his. He’s told me I can’t name the kids by myself, which is probably best for everyone. He keeps me grounded but lets me fly. He’s the Batman to my Robin. The peanut butter to my jelly.

“You’re a dork and I love you.”



The game is over, we won, and I’m on cloud nine.

I’ve got Señor Butts on his leash looking dapper as fuck as we walk into the locker room after the game. The boys are excited and rowdy, as they should be. It was a hard-won game, and they did great.

“Hold the fuck up!” Louis, Carpenter’s roommate, yells. “Are you two fucking married?” He points between Paul and me.

“I didn’t think that sentence was going to end that way.” Paul laughs. “Yeah, we got married in Vegas.”

The locker room goes silent, and everyone turns to look at us. I can see Paul tensing up, waiting for a bad reaction, so I do what I do best, distract.

“Honestly, did you really think anyone else was going to put up with my shit? Good thing I’ve got a nice ass, huh?”

“New rule!” Carp yells. “No one talks about their sex lives. No details.”

The entire room says “Agreed” in unison, and I laugh.

“Oh, come on, you sure you don’t want to hear about when Paul jack—” Paul puts his hand over my mouth, and I laugh.

“That’s enough of that.” He gives methe look,and I shiver. I wish he could fuck already, but he can’t. Stupid surgery.

I bite his palm, and he pulls his hand away while I smile.

“Also,” I say as I pick up the dog. “This is Señor Butts.”

“Seymour!” Paul shouts.

“That’s what I said.” I shrug.

Everyone laughs, and they go back to celebrating.

“See, that wasn’t so bad.” I nudge my husband and put my arm around his shoulders.

“You’re lucky you’re cute,” he grumbles.

We hang out while everyone is getting changed. Since it’s the last game of the season for us, I’m glad it ended with a win. Maybe next year we’ll make it to the Frozen Four.

“Brendon, we have to figure out what we’re going to do with the puppy. We can’t keep him in the dorms.” Paul is the killer of dreams.

“I know, but I don’t want to let him go. Look at his sweet face.” I hold the dog up at face level.

“If we had our own place, this wouldn’t be a question, but we can’t get kicked out of the dorms.”

I huff, and my heart hurts at the idea of giving him up.

“Maybe one of the coaches can take him so you can still see him all the time.”

Someone clears their throat behind me, and I turn to find Assistant Coach Scott.