Page 95 of Blurred Lines

I roll my eyes and lift the puppy up to look. “Boy.”

“My little buddy.” Brendon scratches the puppy’s chin.

“You can’t keep him. You know that, right?”

The puppy puts his head on my shoulder and settles against me. Damn it. That’s cute as fuck.

“You don’t have dog food or toys or bowls or a leash or—”

“But I can get it.” He shrugs. “He’s a baby. I’ll figure it out.”

I cuddle the puppy for the last few minutes of our drive, then wrap him up better for Brendon to carry inside. He basically looks like a lump of laundry, which is fine.

It’s lunchtime, so the hallway is pretty empty, thankfully.

We get inside, and Brendon sets the puppy on his bed, scrubbing his fur carefully to help dry him, then finds a ratty towel to wrap him up in.

I sit on the bed and yawn. I’m exhausted.

“Why don’t you rest for a while? I’ll get lunch and bring you back something, then we can get dressed for the game.”

I check the time, and we have a few hours before we have to be there, so I kick off my shoes and settle back on the bed.

“Bring me the puppy.” I sigh and turn on my side. Brendon’s smile is triumphant as he hands me the wrapped-up dog.

I get him situated against my chest, and he gives my chin a little lick before sighing and laying his head on my arm. It’s adorable, I can’t deny that. He’s cute as fuck, and if we didn’t live in the damn dorms, I would absolutely be down to keep him, but we can lose our housing if they catch him in here.

Brendon leaves, and before the door is closed, I’m out.



Brendon lets me sleep for two glorious hours.

Once I’m showered and dressed, he’s in his suit looking sexy as fuck, even swollen and bruised. He pulls out a blue collar with a green-and-blue plaid bow tie on it and a matching leash.

“When did you get that?” I ask.

He kneels to put it on the pupper and squishes his little face.

“When you were sleeping. I got him some puppy chow too.”

I’m impressed he didn’t get distracted and end up spending all his money on dog toys.

We head down to the rink, and Brendon encourages him to run around to get some energy out. There’s a ball shoved in his pocket so we can play with him during intermission and before the game. Hopefully, he’ll chill during the game.

The locker room is loud as usual as the guys get changed and ready.

The puppy lets out a sharp bark, and it’s instantly quiet. My eyes widen as everyone looks around for the source of the sound.

Brendon has a shit-eating grin on his face as he poses with the dog at his feet.

Everyone comes over, wanting to pet the dog and ask questions. I shake my head and head over to sit on the bench at my cubby. Preston lifts an eyebrow at me and nods toward Brendon.

“We found him in the middle of the road.” I shrug.

“Of course you did.” Preston sighs and grabs his workout gear to go change in a bathroom stall.