The entire thing takes only a few minutes, and when he gets up out of the chair to look in the mirror, he gives me a look that can only mean one thing. Sex.
With a smug look on his face, we head to the counter for him to pay and get care instructions. I listen to her and take the paper she hands him since I know he’s going to lose it and forget what she said.
“I’m hungry. Let’s get some lunch.” Brendon smacks my stomach with the back of his hand, and we climb back into the car while Jeremy buries his face in his phone.
The three of us fuck around for a while, getting lunch and finding an arcade to waste time at before heading back to the dorms. There are some dumbasses with cameras standing around, but they don’t bother us as we enter the building. Thankfully, the reporters are dying down and not following Preston around everywhere anymore.
“Man, I’m ready for a nap.” Brendon yawns and stretches.
“You’re ready to get fucked,” I mutter, and Jeremy laughs. The elevator opens on our floor, and we head down the hallway toward Jeremy and Preston’s room. I, for one, am not going to miss Preston seeing that fucking tattoo for the first time.
“Uh, whatcha doing?” Jeremy stops at his door and turns to stare at us.
“Movies and naps,” Brendon says like the answer should be obvious. I don’t know if he’s serious or not, but I am definitely not cuddling with Jeremy.
“I’m not going to die today.” I back away with my hands raised.
Jeremy opens the door and stops as all hell breaks loose. Inside is his mom and grandma. Mrs. Albrooke appears to be recording, and I hear Jeremy’s sister say, “Nice hickies,” as Brendon yells and pushes Jeremy out of the way to get to the woman. Mrs. Albrooke gives him a one-armed hug as Grandma Brown hugs Jeremy.
“How did you get in here?” he asks his grandma.
“Oh my God, what is on your neck?” Stacy’s squeal through the phone has both the older women turning to look at Jeremy’s neck while he mumbles “Fuck,” then laughter erupts from the phone.
“What the hell is that, Jeremy?!” Mrs. Albrooke demands, and I snort. I’m betting he didn’t think about his parents finding it.
“It’s Preston’s teeth,” Brendon tells her helpfully. “Look, I’ve got one too!” He turns his head to show her, and she glances at him.
“Why did Preston bite you? Oh no, you guys aren’t doing orgies or something, are you?” Jeremy’s mom’s face falls like she’s in physical pain.
I burst out laughing, doubled over, and Brendon starts smiling like this is the best day of his life while Jeremy pales.
“Orgies? What the fuck, Mom?”
“Don’t cuss at your mother,” Mr. Albrooke says through the phone.
“Why would you get that tattooed on your skin?” His mom is horrified, but Stacy, Jordan, and Keith are all yelling to get a better look at it when the door opens. Preston and Lily walk in, and Jeremy turns on his boyfriend.
“Did you know they were coming?” he demands, staring wide-eyed at the big man.
“Of course. I made plans for them to be here to meet Lily.” He’s confused, and Jeremy looks like he’s ready to have a mental breakdown.
Grandma walks over and gives Preston a hug, his smile softening when he looks at her, and carefully wraps his arms around her. That’s weird as fuck and makes me uncomfortable. Since when does Preston look like that at anyone? Has he been possessed?
“Mrs. Albrooke, can you make taco salad?” Brendon pleads, sticking his bottom lip out.
“Are you having sex with Preston too?” she asks Brendon, who pales when he looks at Preston.
“Absolutely not!” Brendon all but yells, and I snort, trying to hide my laugh. The idea is hilarious.
“What the hell kind of a question is that?” Preston asks, clearly confused.
“They both have your teeth marks tattooed on their necks! What are we supposed to think?” Mrs. Albrooke all but yells, frazzled.
“Excuse me?” Preston grabs Jeremy’s face and jerks it to one side, then the other. “What the hell is that?” he demands.
“I got a tattoo of your teeth marks.” Jeremy’s face is so bright red it looks like he has a sunburn. “Look, it seemed a lot more romantic in my head and didn’t involve my mother being here when you found out!”
Preston blinks, then starts laughing. “You’re insane.”