I stumble my way around, I think I’m on campus still, and kind of hope to find my dorm. My stomach hurts, and I want to cuddle with Paul, and my head is pounding.
Is that the dining hall?
Am I going the right way?
I’ll find it eventually.
I just want to go to bed. The alcohol is wearing off, giving me the hangover of all hangovers. I need Paul to cuddle me, play with my hair, and let me lay on him.
“Hey, man, you good?” An arm drops around my shoulders, and I turn to find Willis, one of our D men.
“Hey, buddy. Where are the dorms? I’m tired.” I pat his stomach and lean my head on his shoulder.
He chuckles and turns me around. “You just missed the door, come on.”
“You’re such a nice boy.” I pat his cheek while he leads me to the door of the building I was walking past.
“Yeah, sure, dude, whatever you say.”
He opens the door and leads me inside. I lean against him while we wait for the elevator. My energy is quickly leaving me, and my stomach is super not happy. Shit.
The ding of the doors opening has me jerking open my eyes that I didn’t realize I had closed. Willis keeps a hand on me as we step inside, and he hits the three for me. I relax against the wall for the quick ride, and my teammate walks me to my room. I try the handle, and it opens. I cheer and pat Willis on the arm.
“Thanks, partner.”
He laughs and shakes his head while I enter the dark room and close the door behind me.
I pull on the neck of my costume but get caught and end up falling on my face on the floor.
“Paaaaaaaul,” I whine, my face still on the dingy carpet. “Help me.”
There’s a rustling and a huff.
“Paaaaaaaaul,” I whine again.
“What are you doing?” he grumbles.
I roll over onto my back and try again but can’t figure out why the stupid thing isn’t coming off.
“I neeeeeeed you,” I call. Fuck, I need him so much. So much more than I should. It’s scary how much I need him. He’s my husband, but sometimes it still doesn’t feel real. “Please.” There’s a lump in my throat that hurts to talk around. He could walk away, get tired of me and my antics.
I grip the edges of my costume and pull hard, ripping it until I can finally get my arms free and slither out of it. When I’m in just my jock and socks, my stomach rolls, and I hustle to the bathroom on all fours, barely making it in time to throw up in the toilet.
The room spins, and sweat breaks out along my forehead and back while I empty the contents of my stomach into the porcelain bowl.
I’m gasping for breath on the linoleum floor, leaning on the toilet when a damp cloth is placed on my face. Paul wipes my mouth and gives me a cup. I swish my mouth out with the water, then lean against him.
“All done?” His voice is quiet in the dark space that smells like both of us. I nod, and he flushes, then helps me to my feet. “Come on, time to sleep.”
“Can I sleep with you?” I sound pathetic, but I don’t care. I don’t feel good, and I just want the comfort of him next to me. We sleep together most nights, but tonight, I need him to tell me it's okay. I need him to tell me he doesn’t hate me, he isn’t mad at me, he isn’t tired of me.
“Of course.” He kisses the top of my head and leads me to his bed. He pulls back the blanket and lays down so I can lay on his bare chest. The warmth of his body calms my mind and loosens the knot in my throat. I close my eyes, and I’m out before he’s pulled the blankets up over us.
The dive alarm of Paul’s goddamn phone starts screaming at an unholy hour. I want to shove ice picks in my ears to make the sound stop. There are already drums being played by hyperactive toddlers in my head along with a band that’s synching tighter and tighter until I want to scream.
“Rise and shine,” Paul’s sleep-roughened voice rumbles in my ear, and he rubs his hand down my back to rest on my bare ass.Why is my ass bare? Am I naked?
“Turn it off,” I grumble, dropping my arm over my head to protect myself from the obnoxious noise. “Why do you hate me?”