Brendon is one of those people who came into my life and changed it. We connected immediately like kindred spirits. In a matter of weeks, I couldn’t imagine my life without him. In less than six months, I knew I loved him. I tried to ignore it, pretend it wasn’t true, but there’s no one else for me. He’s my sun, and I revolve around him.
Resting my forehead against his, I slow our kiss until we’re just standing here sharing air and heartbeats.
“I love you,” I whisper in the silence, watching his brown eyes shimmer.
“I . . . have an idea.” Mischief brightens his face, and uncertainty tightens my gut. This is not going to go well.
“Let’s get married.”
My head blanks out with white noise, and I blink at him.
“What?” I ask again. There’s no way I heard him correctly.
“Let’s get married.” A huge smile splits his face, and when it’s directed at me like this, it’s so damn hard to think straight. “We’re in Vegas. We can go down to one of the hundreds of chapels and get married. We don’t have to tell anyone if you don’t want to, but then you’ll be mine and I’ll be yours. Officially.”
Nerves tremble in my stomach at the idea. Do I want him to be mine in every fucking way possible? Yes. One hundred percent yes.
But marriage?
We’ve barely started this relationship, but I want this so badly I can taste it.
“Yes,” I blurt out. “Let’s do it.” I don’t want to think about it or pick it apart or wonder about the consequences. As much as it scares me, I want this. I want him and damn what anyone thinks.
Brendon’s face lights up like a kid on Christmas. He jumps up and wraps his legs around me with a huge smile on his lips. I lift my face to him, and he kisses me with my hands on his ass and his entire body wrapped around me. For the first time in a long fucking time, I’m at peace and just fucking happy. This is my boy, my man, mine. Even if we have to keep it a secret for a while, he’s still mine.
“Aww, how are you gonna carry me over the threshold if we aren’t sharing a room?” Brendon pouts with his lip out.
“That’s your biggest concern?” I laugh. Fuck, I’m happy. This boy is about to be mine. We can conquer anything as long as we’re together.
“It’s tradition, Pauly,” Brendon says very matter-of-factly.
“Well, we also aren’t sharing a room, so we can’t consummate the marriage until we get back. I’ll just have to carry you over the threshold of our dorm room.” I nip at his lip and smirk when he grinds his dick against my stomach.
“Fuuuuck.” Brendon rolls his body and runs his fingers into the hair on the back of my head. “That’s so long.”
“But it’ll be worth it.” I kiss him again and let him slide down my body to stand on his own. “Let’s get dinner before Jeremy comes looking for us.”
Brendon throws his head back with an exaggerated groan but follows me out of the stairwell.
We’re heading down the hallway toward the elevator like nothing has happened when Jeremy and Preston step out of the elevator.
“There you are,” Jeremy says. “Where were you?”
Brendon and I say the same thing at the same time, “Jacking off,” then laugh.
Jeremy rolls his eyes, and Preston sighs.
Preston and Jeremy are leading the way down the street toward some restaurant that I already forgot the name of but apparently has good chicken. I don’t know.
“Let’s ditch them and grab burgers on the way back,” I whisper to Paul before checking the time on my phone and doing a quick search for places to get married near me. The amount of red dots is mind-blowing. “We have time.”
“We can’t just disappear.” Paul eyes our friends. “What are we going to tell them?”