My trunks are board shorts with dancing tacos on them. They’re awesome.
Paul sighs and does the same, changing in the middle of the room while Jeremy untangles them from the leash.
We grab supplies for the day, including the cinnamon rolls that have sadly cooled, and head out to Paul’s car. He gets in the driver’s seat, and I take the front passenger’s seat, making Preston fold his huge ass into the back with Jeremy and Mr. Butts. It’s better for everyone this way.
As Paul drives, I rip parts off the pastry and feed it to him. He nips at my fingertips and licks the frosting off every once in a while. Jeremy pretends to gag in the back seat, but it just makes me want to do it more.
Pulling a piece of the treat off, I turn and reach back to offer it to Preston, but he glares at me. When the bread brushes his lip, he slaps my hand, and I laugh. I offer it to Jeremy, but Preston takes it from me and feeds it to Jeremy himself.
Shaking my head, I sit back in my seat and bop my head and dance to the music. Sometimes I sing too, using my fist as a microphone.
Jeremy and Paul join in with the singing, and we roll the windows down. Mine and Jeremy’s longer hair flies everywhere, but we don’t care. This takes us back to the Lumberjacks, to a time when things were simpler. For the few years we were together there, we would do short road trips every chance we could, driving a few hours to go to a lake we hadn’t been to before, to see a game, or go skiing. Any excuse we could find to just drive. There’s something freeing about being on the freeway on your way to an adventure with your best friends, with the windows down and music blasting. Just a couple of dumb-ass kids eating junk food and seeing where the road takes them.
I’m singing “What’s My Age Again?”by Blink-182, serenading Preston just to get a rise out of him. Jeremy grabs my fist, singing into it with me, and Preston growls, which makes me burst into a fit of giggles. Paul reaches for my leg and rests his hand on my thigh as he drives, singing along and smiling.
Seeing him enjoying himself makes my heart burst with happiness. He’s usually pretty shut down and grumpy on his birthday. I always make sure we go out and do something, try to get his mind off his mom’s death, but it’s not very successful. Nothing will make me stop trying, though.
We’ve done movie marathons in the theater, mini golfing, rock wall climbing, and volunteered to help a kids’ hockey league. I have a feeling I was going about this the wrong way, though. Instead of distracting him from his pain, I have to celebrate his mom’s life and make today special. I plan to do both.
We get to Horseshoe Reservoir about eight thirty, which gives us plenty of time and decent parking. Jeremy goes inside to get the pontoon boat keys that we reserved for the day while the rest of us unpack the car. The ice chest is heavy with drinks, ice, and food. Not to mention all the food we packed in a big box so we shouldn’t have to come back in.
“Shirts off, time for sunblock,” Preston orders, holding up a spray can.
“If you wanted to see us half naked, all you had to do was ask, big man.” I wink at him and pull my shirt off. Paul smacks me upside the back of my head, and I laugh. Preston sprays us down with the sunblock, and I double-check that my backpack is with our stuff since it has most of my surprises. One is food, so it’s hidden in an ice chest that we bummed off Scott the other day.
Jeremy comes out of the office with paperwork and keys, sliding his sunglasses on.
We all grab our ball caps and sunglasses and lift shit to carry, following along behind Jeremy to our boat, with Seymour’s leash around my wrist.
In slip 16 is the twenty-foot pontoon boat we rented with bench seats and a cover over half the boat so we can get out of the sun if we need. We load all our shit up, only having to make two trips each, and we’re off. Jeremy is driving while Preston hovers behind him. He doesn’t give up that precious control often, but he’s never driven a boat while the rest of us grew up doing it during the summer. Paul stretches out on a bench and pops the top off a Dr Pepper. I stand at the front of the boat and take a picture of the guys, then grab some blue Takis from the snack box and park my ass on the other bench with Señor Butts to keep the weight even as we head out to a quieter spot on the water. He lifts his little feet onto the edge to look out over the water and lifts his snout to sniff the air.
This place is beautiful, all blue water and deep green pine trees on the hills. The reservoir is long, so if you look in the right direction it seems like the water goes on forever. The water is calm except for boat wakes, and the wind on my face puts a smile on my lips.
Music starts playing from behind me, and I turn to see Preston messing with his phone and holding a Bluetooth speaker.
He swipes through his phone and changes the playlist to some kind of summer hits.
“Uptown Funk”starts, and I get up, raising my hands in the air and start singing with Jeremy singing backup. Paul gets up and dances with me, wrapping a hand around my hip, while Seymour jumps around our feet.
I spin around and lean over to brace my hands on my knees, doing the worst twerk in history against my husband’s crotch, and try not to get my face licked by the puppy. He laughs and grabs a handful of my hair, pulling my back to his chest.
“How many of your holes am I going to fill today?” His sultry tone sends goose bumps over my skin and hardens my nipples.
“All of them.” I grind against him. “Hopefully more than once.”
He hums and bites the tattoo on my neck.
“Hey, hey!” Preston yells. “This is not a porno. Knock it off!”
The song changes to “Shape of You”by Ed Sheeran, and I roll my body, dragging my hand down my throat and chest to my hip while making awkward eye contact with Preston.
“Maybe I planned a gang bang for Pauly boy’s birthday,” I yell, and Preston clenches his jaw.
“He is not touching me.” Paul pulls me closer to him, swaying his hips in a sensual movement, leading my movements, and getting my attention back on him.
He sings in my ear as Jeremy finds us a little cove that doesn’t currently have anyone else in it. I’m sure that won’t be the case all day, but we’ll enjoy the solitude while we have it.
Jeremy drops the anchor as close to shore as he’s comfortable getting, and he drags Preston to the open space where Paul and I are.