Page 50 of The Almost One

Lifting my dress and putting my hands in between my legs, I remove the love eggs sitting inside my pussy and throw them at him. He catches them—asshole—silently pulling out a silky red handkerchief from his suit pocket and wrapping them up. His silence is deafening, and I’m aware this is the first time I’ve used theLword with him, but it came out involuntarily. I mean it with every inch of my soul and would never take it back, but if he thinks I’m going to continue to act like a wife, be a wife, what the fuck ever, then he needs to start talking.

He moves toward me, his lustful intentions clear in his steel-gray eyes.


“No. I don’t want to hear it right now. I’m tired, I’m angry, and I’ve just had a pretty big shocker dropped at my feet. Especially after being told it was all dealt with. So, thanks for that. You need to go back inside and be the host. I will stay here until it’s time to go home, because I’m not fucking stupid and about to go wandering around at night by myself. Who knows what other lies and secrets you have? The dude leaving notes is probably down-fucking-stairs in that ballroom sipping champagne and eating penis chocolate.” When I’ve finished my rant, I turn and storm toward the door. “I’m going to powder my nose. When I come back, don’t be here. I need to be away from you right now, and until you’re ready to give me answers, don’t speak to me.” Then I sashay like a fucking queen all the way to the ladies’ room without looking back.

After a few dabs of cold water on my cheeks, because I don’t want to walk out of here looking like Alice Cooper, I take in my appearance in the mirror. I look myself dead in the eyes, determination and strength shining through.

“You are a badass bitch. You are not alone anymore, you have a fucking army at your fingertips. Nothing will break you.”

I take another much-needed deep breath and smile at my reflection. I just dropped the love bomb on Marco and ran away. Right after finding out the man I killed in self-defense is classed as missing rather than playing doctor around the world, according to his mother. This is all fucked in so many ways, and as much as I need the answers I’m so desperately seeking, I’m not walking away. I trust that Marco has it in hand, but he needs to start trusting me, and the fact that I’m ready and willing to stand by his side in all things in return. I could do without all the blood and shit, but in the name of protecting my family, count me in.

“Hey, River.” One of the stall doors opens slowly and Elizabeth shows herself. Great, she’s been sitting in there the whole time and likely heard my little speech to myself. “Sorry, I figured you were having a moment, so I kind of left you to it, but it started to feel a bit weird sitting in there all this time and I didn’t want you to think I was… well, you know, taking a crap.” She smiles and shrugs her shoulders, and I snort-laugh.

Fuck, I needed that.

It seems so out of character to her usual cold and sophisticated self that I almost like her.

“I didn’t even realize you were in there, to be honest.” I’m in badass bitch, answer-getting mode, so fuck it. “While I have you alone. I think you and I should talk.”

She doesn’t look shocked by my words, more like she’s accepting, knowing we need to do this as much as I do.

“I agree.”

The fact that she brought Eleanor, Mrs. Hunter, Nathaniel’s mom, whoever the fuck the old lady is, with her this evening is something I’m going to let slide for now. That’s a Marco problem.

“Marco is my husband, which I know damn well you’re aware of, so I don’t know what you think you’re doing by continuing to insert yourself into his life as you have been, but it needs to stop. He’s never going to be yours and the fact that you haven’t realized that yet is a little sad.”

I’m aware that I’m coming across as a complete bitch with her, and I feel a little bad about it, but it’s nothing she hasn’t inflicted on me and she needs to hear what I have to say.

“You are right. I know.”

Her admission surprises me. I expected her to fight back a little, but nothing. Complete agreement.

“I am right, yes.” I don’t know what else to say so I just watch her, dumbfounded, as she casually washes her hands, a small smile on her ruby-red lips.

“I’m bound by my duty to my family, which is something I know you can relate to. After spending time with your friend, Kai, I understand you more now, and I’m sorry. It’s just, I don’t know how much Marco has told you, but I don’t want to be a part of it anymore. Marco has been helping me to find a way out of this. It’s not who I want to be. Can we call a truce?”

Well, none of this is what I was expecting, and I still need Marco to fill in all the gaps, but she seems genuine. My people-reading skills don’t usually steer me wrong.

“I won’t call a truce with someone I never perceived as a threat.” Her eyes widen at my admission and she moves to speak before I interrupt her. “But as long as you stop trying to seduce my husband, we can call it quits on all the bitchiness.” I’m still going to be prickly about it, but that doesn’t mean I can’t make it funny at the same time. “I won’t say we’re going to suddenly become best friends, because no. But at least we can be civil with each other if you’re going to keep popping up everywhere.” I laugh and hold out my hand for a formal shake.

She takes it, bringing me closer to air-kiss my cheeks.

“Deal. You’re a far better woman than I, River Fox-Mancini.”



Ican’t remember the last time I was ever afraid of something. Until River, that is. Until that bone-deep fear of losing her took root inside my gut.

Now, every decision I make is centered around her. I just wish I hadn’t started off on the wrong foot. I probably should have told her everything from the start, but it’s easy to regret when you have hindsight being a judgmental bitch with your conscience.

As promised, River came back from the bathroom last night and waited for me to join her after the party so we could talk.

We left the hotel hand in hand, but our trip was spent with both of us looking out of our respective windows as the driver took us back home. She hasn’t spoken to me since.