Page 47 of The Almost One

“Madelina texted me earlier saying she had a few clients staying late at the salon. I figured if I told her where we were going, she’d out us to River.” Tyler’s fingers are flying across the screen of his phone as he types whatever it is he’s saying to my sister. With my back to the driver, I have Enzo and Tyler sitting side by side and, like this, they couldn’t look any more different. Tyler is the epitome of the billionaire mogul with his effortless good looks, broody charisma, and eyes so dark, grown men cower across the conference room when it’s time to make a deal.

Enzo, on the other hand, is rough around the edges with more bulk than finesse. His past weighs heavily on his shoulders which, like Tyler, has men begging for mercy before he’s even begun to torture them.

Yet, these two knuckleheads are like well-trained pups when it comes to Lina. At least, that’s how it looks on my end.

That said, Enzo thinks I’ve handed my balls to River for her to do with as she wishes, but what he doesn’t realize is that she knows exactly how to roll them around her palm and make me come straight down her throat. So, if that makes me pussy whipped, then so fucking be it.

“What are you looking at, asshole?” My gaze slides to Tyler and my grin widens. A hundred bucks says Lina’s answer was not what he was expecting or wishing.

My father always said, “The bigger you are, the harder you’ll fall.”

Well,boom, mother fuckers, we’ve come crashing down.

We have time for a couple of Old Fashioneds before we reach Rapture. As always, New York City traffic is a bitch and there’s nothing to be done about it except sit back, relax, and enjoy these rare moments with childhood friends.

Tyler, Nate, and I were fast friends because our circumstances and our family-ties naturally brought us together. We were inseparable throughout the years in school and when we went to our preferred colleges, we still kept in touch like we were legit brothers.

Enzo, on the other hand, was like an adopted brother my father saved from the streets. It was difficult to be openly friends outside the house. We were both teenagers, but where I had a life of privilege, Enzo was already learning the trade of torture and surviving as a mob soldier.

Nate’s death has left a small hole in my black heart, especially when my mind wanders down memory lane, but I’ve grieved his betrayal and I hope he’s in a better place, with Angelica at his side. I truly hope he’s happy.

As we pull up to the club, Tyler whistles when he sees the line hugging straight down the wall and around the corner. My wife has turned this place into one of The City’s hottest night spots. Fuck, she makes me proud.

“I knew she was smart, but I didn’t realize just how savvy our girl, River is.”

Glaring at Tyler, I point my index finger at him and snarl, “She’s notourgirl, fucker. She’smywife.” Fuck, I love Tyler but every time he says something that reminds me that he had her before me, it drives me to the edge of my sanity.

“Sorry, man.” He shrugs and has the decency to look sheepish. “I just meant, she deserves this, you know?”

I grunt like the caveman I’ve apparently turned into before punching his shoulder.

“Come on, let’s surprise the owner.”

As we reach the entrance, the host smiles and lets us in with a “Go on in, sir,” as she unhooks the red corded rope and secures it back once we’ve cleared inside.

Just as we walk in, the mood is set. Black and red furniture with strategically placed poles on round stages line the sides of both walls. The women on this floor aren’t naked, but their costumes are so intricate and sexy that it feels even more intimate. Every single velvet couch and deep-seated chair is taken; the place is full to the brim.

I’ve been here before, during the day, as the performers practice and the servers take inventory, but I’ve never actually seen it at its prime.

If I was impressed before, I’m fucking flabbergasted at the sight of River’s hard work and impeccable vision.

“Holy shit, this place is going to be a gold mine.” Tyler’s impressed and it just makes me even prouder of River.

I scan the floor, hoping to see the most stunning woman in existence, and spot her with ease. Standing tall with her shoulders squared and her chin up, she’s talking to a couple of businessmen who find whatever she’s saying to be fascinating.

She’s not flirting or putting her sexuality up for grabs, she’s talking shop and they’re loving every single moment of it.Sorry, assholes, she’s coming home with me tonight.And every night after.

Just to the right of where she’s standing, I see an empty table with a two-seater couch and an armchair. It’s perfect for us, center stage and easy access for the servers.

The fact that it forces me to walk past my wife is just an added bonus.

I wait until I’m just behind her, my chest pressing to her back before I grin up at the two businessmen and whisper in River’s ear. “You look absolutely mouth-watering right now. What are the chances I can whisk you away to feast on you?” Without missing a beat, River angles herself just enough to introduce me to the men.

“Mr. Bordas, Mr. Shoemaker, this is my husband, Marco Mancini. Marco, these two gentlemen are here from the mayor’s office.” Well damn, word is obviously getting out.

“Gentlemen, a pleasure.” We shake hands as my left arm wraps around River’s waist, bringing her closer to me.

“Please excuse us and enjoy your evening.” River, ever the professional, changes completely as she whips around and loses a little of her perfect veneer.