Page 37 of The Almost One

Marco releases his grip, but not before planting a slightly inappropriate kiss on my lips, which I’m not sorry about… it showed Elizabeth as much as Kai that Marco and I belong to each other.

We move a little further away so we can speak privately.

“What in the actual fuck are you doing with her, Kai? She’s a cunt, and you have a wife.”

He looks a little taken aback by my brashness, but I’m not pulling any punches with him. It’s not something we do with each other.

“It’s a job, Riv. One that pays very fucking well.”

“Oh, so you’re suddenly all about the money? What happened to not working forthe man?”

I’m not sure what has me so angry about this whole situation. He can obviously do what or who he likes, I just don’t feel like Elizabeth is someone he should be getting involved with in any way. I get all kinds of bad vibes from the whole situation and I can’t place why.

“If you must know, and I suppose you do because she was your friend once…” He takes a deep, defeated breath before continuing, and now I feel bad for a whole other reason. “Freya’s treatments didn’t work as well as expected. So she’s trying some other things and it’s not all covered under my insurance. Okay?”

Fuck, that’s not what I was expecting. Now I feel like shit for giving him a hard time. But still… Elizabeth? No.

“I can lend you money if you need it, Kai. You don’t need to go back on all your beliefs for her.”

“I kind of do, Riv. I agreed to marry her, and while I know it was for all the wrong reasons, I’ve got to stand by her. She has no one else. And I won’t borrow your money, you’ve done enough for everyone already.”

Double fuck. NowI’mthe cunt.

“Fine. But be fucking careful. She’s a snake, and you know damn well I’m not just saying that to be a bitch. You know where I am if you do need anything. I mean it. Whatever you need.”

“As do you, Psyche. I’m always going to be here for you. You and me are the forever kind of shit.”

A mischievous glint passes through his features, but he schools it quickly, nodding once and holding out his arm to walk me back to Elizabeth and Marco, who are standing around in awkward silence.

I guess we’re done here.

After leaving the most awkward encounter on the beach, we finally make it back to the stunning landscaping and architecture that is Marco’s mom’s home. It’s like something out of a magazine, with blankets of greenery surrounding us, from the tall trees and sculptured plants to the expansive, rolling lawns you can’t find in The City outside of Central Park.

“I have sand in my unspeakable places. Wanna come help me wash it all out?” I ask as we reach the front door.

“I’ll be there in five minutes,Tesoro.” I know he wants to go and check on his mom, let her—and Enzo—know he’s home.

Marco’s bedroom—which is ours now, I guess—is masculine and usually has a strong, calm aura when I walk in, but today, something is off. Though I’m not sure what. Maybe my senses are fucking with me lately, Karma playing her games because I’ve done some questionable things.

No, it’s not that.

My whole body begins to vibrate with anxiety and my breathing starts coming in short, sharp pants as I notice the red envelope on my pillow.Mypillow, not Marco’s…

My vision begins to blur at the edges as I try to control my breathing enough to call for Marco.

Someone has been in this room and that’s why it feels off. What if they’re still here? My space has been violated yet again. But I’ll survive, I always do.

My breathing is beginning to even out as I inhale through my nose and exhale through my mouth, but I’m still curled up on the floor when Marco enters the room, immediately scooping me into his arms and holding me close.

This is the point it hits me, that I now have the resources at my fingertips to execute my own revenge, and I swear to fuck, whoever this is will have a taste of this new version of myself. As much as this stalker feels more threatening somehow, I’m stronger than I was before.

So bring it on, motherfucker.



“What do you say we make a frittata?”