Something catches my eye on the floor by the front door as Marco and Stefano whisper between themselves in Italian. One of these days, I’m going to learn the language, then there will be no more secret conversations.
Bending down by the front steps, I lift the brick—why there’s even a brick here is beyond me, but whatever—and my stomach drops.
There’s an envelope. A red envelope. Decorated the same as the other notes I’ve had. And while, after the first one, I thought they were the calling card of my husband leaving me love notes, I couldn’t have been more wrong.
“Er, Marco…” My voice is shaky, and I’m sure he can sense it in my tone as he immediately stops talking and turns to me.
I hold up the envelope for him to see.
“Ah, fuck.”
“Renovations look good.”
I’m watching the men working on the new security system I insisted we set up at Rapture after River finally told me about the mysterious letters.
I know who they’renotfrom, considering the usual suspect is dead and buried somewhere not even wild dogs could find him. The cold sweat that ran down my spine when I read the notes was enough to keep me up all night worrying, which is a new reality for me. My entire life has been about finding my enemies and crushing them. The monsters in my world are always visible, as eager for bloodshed as we are. But this? This isn’t the same thing.
I don’t fucking know who’s stalking my wife. Again. The Ambrosios clearly have it out for her, but I can’t imagine they had the kind of intel about what went down between Nate and River to pull this stunt. I mean, how the fuck would they know his nickname for her?
“A compliment, that’s two in a month. Should I be afraid you’re catching feelings?” My tone is rather playful—this is Enzo, after all—but those words in my mouth are like acid melting my brain with the horrid visual of any man trying to steal her away.
“Reel it in, Cujo. Don’t be fucking ridiculous.” Jesus fucking Christ, I must be tired if I’m letting anyone speak to me this way, even Enzo. He’s dedicated his entire life to our family. Hell, I’d say heisfamily, but then that would be awkward for Lina and whatever relationship they’re brewing. “All I’m saying is that she placed her money well.”
“She did, and I had to break a fucking sweat for her to accept some help.” When she renovated Rapture, she wanted to get a loan for a few extra costs she had envisioned.
“I’m sure that conversation went over well.” Enzo chuckles beside me, probably thinking about how fucking stubborn River can be when it comes to her independence. I think, somewhere in the back of her mind, she believes she’ll end up alone again, which means she doesn’t want to be dependent upon anyone or anything. I gave her my word that I wouldn’t go anywhere without her, ever, but we both know that in my world, that’s a dangerous promise to make.
“Who said it was a conversation?” I start to walk away after that, Enzo’s knowing chuckle following me as we make our way across the main floor, eyes scanning the camera angles and making sure the employee doors have new badge scanners.
I grin at the memory of me fucking my wife into submission with her legs wrapped around my neck, her work heels digging into my shoulder blades while her deliciously filthy mouth screamed every obscenity into the space around us.
I let her come only once she agreed to take my money and forget about using a fucking bank.
“Your sister would have my balls if I tried half the shit you do with River.” I stop, turn to face him, and scowl.
“I’d have your balls if you triedanyof the shit I do with River.” As soon as the words leave my mouth I hear the overwhelming hypocrisy of my statement. Thankfully, Enzo doesn’t call me out.
Well, except for the smirk and raised brow.Fucker.
Time to change the fucking subject.
“Any news on the notes? Fingerprints, DNA, fucking anything?” Anyone watching us would think we’re having a casual conversation about the weather, or maybe about the color schemes of the club, but my pulse is racing, my nerves are on high alert, and my anger is rising with every second that we don’t find these fuckers.
“Not yet. Stefano doesn't have anything on the envelope or paper. I’m guessing whoever it is used gloves. There’s no stamp, so no saliva.” Enzo’s words don’t reassure me in the least. Quite the opposite, really.
“Clearly, it’s not Nate, so who the fuck knows he used to call her Skittles?” I push my hands into the pockets of my slacks and let my head fall back just half an inch, hoping to alleviate the stress at my nape. I hate that shit had to go down like this. Tyler, Nate, and I were tight… like brothers. His loss is something I’ll have to carry with me, but I’ll be damned if River pays the price of her self-defense.
“Obviously, the team took care of everything where he was concerned. There is the problem of the rogue Reaper, but he’s been dealt with. We know he was communicating with the Ambrosios, and the only link to Nate, for now, is Elizabeth getting cozy with his mother. You need to talk to River. Ask her the hard questions about Nate and who they hung out with.” My gaze hardens and swings over to my second in command. “Don’t look at me like that, man. You know I’m right and if you’d quit coddling her, you’d realize she’s more of an asset than a burden.”
My entire body coils as I turn completely to Enzo, my hands in tight fists, my teeth clenched to the point of near pain. “Watch your fucking mouth, Enzo.”
“Relax. You keep treating her like a princess—”