Page 22 of The Almost One

Lina moves to put a hand on Enzo’s chest, telling him with her eyes to stand down. He visibly relaxes, stepping back with a gentle kiss to Lina’s forehead, and just as I think it’s all over and I can put my metaphorical popcorn away, the guy’s whole fun-loving attitude changes.

“Is he the reason you wouldn’t give me a lap dance?”

Oh Hell, shit’s about to go down.

Enzo is barely held back by an exasperated Lina, rolling her eyes as she answers. “Thanks, asshole.”

“What did I do?”

“Just say the word, Lina, and I’ll make this asshole disappear.”

“Ooh, big man, are ya, mate? Got that whole gangster thing goin’ for ya. I can dig that.”

I love Marco’s Italian accent, and he may be a douche, but this guy’s cockney accent is a contender for panty-melting trophies.

“Will you fucking stop? Please. Enzo, it’s fine, we’ll talk later, okay?”

“Damn straight we will.” He nods and turns to walk back to his seat, but not before the fucking chef pipes up again.

“Aw, puppy’s been told off by Mistress. Go on, big guy, tail between ya legs an’ everythin’.”

Well, I don’t think this restaurant is going to last very long. Enzo must have the strength of a thousand men as he continues to his table without shooting the guy in the head.

“The name’s Quinn, Devon Quinn.” He holds out his hand for me to shake, and I do, with a small smile playing on my lips. This guy’s trying to impress ‘the friend’ to get the girl.

“I don’t care what your name is. And who introduces themself like that anyways? You’re not fucking James Bond.” His attention is on Lina as she speaks, taking in every word but not actually listening.

“Come on, Darlin’. Gimme one date? Let me show you I’m not a bad guy.”

A different waiter than the one who’s been serving us chooses that moment to come by to clear our empty plates, placing the bill in the center of the table.

“Oh, fuck no. You ain’t paying for shit.” Devon goes to grab the bill, but I get there first.

I don’t want Lina to owe this guy anything. I don’t know him or his intentions. When I’m with Lina, I’m not just her friend, I’m her big sister too, and I look after my family in every way possible.

The little black folder is in my hands before Devon gets to it, and I quirk a brow at him as he looks at me with an amused grin on his face.

“You’re a feisty one too, aren’t ya?”

“Back off, Bond. You wouldn’t know feisty if it bit you in the ass.”

Lina’s staring at him with curiosity, and I think I know that look. She’s interested.How many men does she need?Lucky bitch.

I’ve only got one and I’m exhausted.

Shaking my head at them both, I open the little black book the bill came in. There’s a bright red envelope inside, with a similar single red rose as the one I received in my office, thorns and all, and I smile. Marco can’t just let me remember him from these damn love eggs in my pussy. I’ve got to say, this being the second little love note from him is kinda sweet.

I put the bill down, along with my card, and look Devon in the eye. “Have someone charge my card, please. Everything was delicious.” He looks skeptical, but I raise a brow at him to let him know I’m serious.

With a mischievous grin, he salutes me and gives Lina a flirtatious wink before walking away. Without my card.

Rolling my eyes, I go to open the red envelope.

“Ooh, who’s that from?” Lina leans across the table, eyeing the envelope with curiosity.

I don’t respond, a lump in my throat and my heart in my stomach as I take in what the note says. It’s not from Marco, at least I know that now, and it makes me sick that I even thought it could be.

Not long now, Skittles.