I glare venomously at him. “You’re an asshole.”
He shakes his head, storming away from me again as he marches over to the bar cart in the corner to pour himself a splash of whiskey.
“I don’t know why you’re so pissed atme,” I snap. “I didn’t force you into this! YOU OFFERED!!!”
He growls, turning to level an unfairly sexy if broodingly angry look my way.
“Here’s the fucking thing, Callie.” He walks slowly toward me, his gaze ruthlessly holding mine. “You see me as something I amnot. You see the nanny. The fucking bodyguard hero.”
“Butthat isn’t me,” he snarls, making me flinch as he comes to a stop right in front of me, looming over me. “I’mnotthe fucking hero. I’mnotthe fucking good guy. Do you see any close friends, Callie?”
I swallow as I bite my lip.
“You and Cillian seem—”
“Cillian is myboss. Do you see any personal relationships? Any women around me,ever?”
I gasp as his hand grabs my wrist roughly, yanking me against his chest as I stare up into his angry, illegally gorgeous face.
“I went along with this marriage thingnotto save you. To save my fucking family—the adopted family I don’t deserve, who took me in when I had nothing—from ruin and potentially more bloodshed.That’s it,” he hisses, gripping my wrist tighter and sending sparks of heart ricocheting through my core. “So, let me be crystal fucking clear about something. What you pulled before is noteverhappening again. Is that understood?”
My throat bobs heavily. My skin tingles like it’s being licked by flames where his hand is touching me, the heat slowly spreading through the rest of my body like wildfire through tall grass.
“Fine,” I mumble quietly.
“Say it. Say it out loud.”
I’ve seen Castle take charge before. I’ve seen him stoic and all-business. But I’ve never seen him quite like this: brutally in control. Barking orders. Commanding. Domineering.
And it’s truly fucked up how hot that is.
I nod. “Okay, yeah, okay,” I blurt.
“Say it.”
“Yes, okay?” I snap, trying to force annoyance into my tone, so that he doesn’t hear the desperation and the aching need there as well.
“No touching. No fucking kissing.”
“I already agreed to that.”
As the ensuing silence hangs over us, I realize something. Over the course of this heated exchange, somehow, we’ve gotten closer together.
Somehow, my body is pressed to his. His beautiful, chiseled face is lowered even more, so that it’s mere inches from mine. Andsomehow, I’m up on my toes, staring up at him and drowning in those sharp blue eyes.
I can feel the thud of his heart through his tux and my gown in my own chest. I can feel my pulse hum against his fingers through the soft skin of my wrist.
I can smell the whiskey and promise of sin on his lips.
My head swims. My breath comes faster and more shallowly. His eyes slice into mine almost hungrily, and I feel myself sinking even more against his rock-hard body.
I think we’re about to break our rules.
“You can have the master suite. No one’s used it in years, not even Cillian when he lived here.”