Page 162 of Stolen Hearts

“Just tell me, Deimos,” I grunt in a monotone.

He sighs. “Luca became aware of the affair, and he almost went to war with the Kildares over it. Except Leo Scaliami, who ran the family before Michael Genovisi took over, made him back down. He had a business deal in the works with Declan.”

I drag my fingers through my hair, turning to stare out at the ocean waves.

“Seems like Silvia never meant to get pregnant and didn’t want this kid at all. So when he was born, Luca offloaded him to the family of one of his lieutenants, and that was that. The recording we heard, with Owen and Declan talking about his illegitimate son finding out who he was and coming after what was his, was aboutthat kid, not you.”

Deimos clears his throat. “Look, Castle, I don’t know why Declan was paying your folks’ rent and sending them checks—”

“The fucking letter,” I growl. “There was a fucking letter—”

“Unaddressed, and signed S.T., yeah, I know,” he says quietly. “Castle…Silvia’s last name was Taglieri.”

I close my eyes tightly.

“I’d askanyonewhy the fuck that letter was in your parents’ apartment. But literally everyone involved is dead, including Silvia herself as of a few years back.”

“And the kid?” I murmur. “What about him?”

“He is or was military, that’s all I could find out. A lot of his record is redacted, and not even my contacts could get past that.”

“What about the family he was raised by?”

“The DiMarcos? Yeah,” Deimos grunts. “I checked. They’re dead too—”

My brain glitches out. Everything goes still, and it feels like something cold is sliding under my skin.

“What the fuck did you just say?”

There’s a pause on the other end of the line.


“The familyname, Deimos,” I hiss, my heart racing. “Say it again.”

“DiMarco. Why?”

Because I fuckingknowa DiMarco. An Italian kid who grew up knowing he was adopted, and whose father was mob connected. A DiMarco who ended up joining the army, and who made Ranger.

Who I fought next for five fucking years.

Who’s an ace shot with a fifty-cal.

Who wasin Konstantin’s fucking apartment, using the bathroom, not long before a random-ass incendiary device somehow got placed in what was supposedly an impenetrable fortress.

…A DiMarco who’s currently on his way to my fucking safe house, where Callie is.





“I need you to get here,now!” I bellow, dropping the fish and jumping into the truck. The engine roars to life, and I peel out of the parking lot and race toward the house.
