Page 160 of Stolen Hearts


“I mean, the only things I’ve signed recently are Teagan’s college applications and that trust renewal thingy you sent over.”

I go still.

“I’m sorry—what?”

“Oh, yeah, we haven’t told you! She’s settled on NYU as her first choice—”

“Not the applications,” I rasp. “Renewal form?”

“Yeah. For the trust?”

Something cold sinks deep into my chest.

Oh fuck.

“Castle, I’m sorry, now I’m confused about what’s going on. I tried calling you when it came in the mail. But then I got a hold of Shawna, and she’d gotten the same thing. So we just signed them at the arrows and sent them back like your sticky notes asked…”

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.FUCK.

I think I just got fucked.

“Everything’s fine, Loraine,” I manage to fake out. “It’s all good. Sorry, I’m just overworked and overtired. Didn’t mean to freak you out.”

She exhales in a whoosh. “Well, you sure did!” She laughs nervously. “Hey, Tea just got home. Wanna talk to her about New York—”

“Sorry, I gotta run. Talk to you guys soon.”

As soon as I hang up, I get a call from Shawna, basically in the same confusion. When I get off the phone withher, I’m instantly calling Jack Dorsey.

“I mean…fuck, Castle,” he growls. “Yeah, of course. I can get a team on this fucking asap. It’s wire fraud, and obviously the amount makes it a felony.”

“How fast can you trace the account it went to?”

“I’m shoving through a request for a warrant right now. It’s Sunday, so don’t hold your breath, but I can get one in probably three hours. It’ll take one of our teams another one or two to get a trace going.”

“Do it,” I hiss.

“You bet. And…I’m really sorry, Castle.”

I hang up and groan as I sink back into the couch. Then I’m up and storming through the house—pissed off, tense as fuck…

…and, oddly, incredibly hard.

Callie grins up at me from a tub full of bubbles that don’t quite cover her nipples as I barge into the bathroom.

“I was wondering what was taking you so—Castle…”

She gasps as I all but shred my clothes off, grab her, and flip her over onto her knees in the tub. She moans, shaking and grabbing the edges as I splash in behind her.

“Take it out on me,” she whimpers, arching her back and looking back at me with heat in her eyes as I grab her by the hips and line my cock up with her sweet little cunt.

“Whatever it is, take it all out on me.”

* * *

Muchlater,I finally manage to pull myself from the sheets I’ve been tangled in with Callie for the last couple of hours.