Page 147 of Stolen Hearts


He says it without apology. And that’s fine. Because I get it. And he’s right.

“I knew that anyone with your kind of background could carry a gun, check corners, and look for threats, Castle,” he growls. “But I didn’t want Rambo for my nieces’ bodyguard. I wanted something more than a walking weapon. Someone with empathy and strength. With intelligence and honor, not just a fast trigger finger. I wanted someone to betheir friend, not just their guard.”

I exhale slowly as I lower myself to sit on the rock I’ve been standing on. “I just don’t know how the fuck to tell them.”

Cillian sighs. “I wish I had an answer for you on that, I really do. But what I can tell you is, I think you know them both well enough to figure it out.”

I smile wryly. “Yeah, well, I’m thinking the way to tell them is just fucking tell them.”

He chuckles. “They’re both pretty fluent in bluntness, aren’t they?”

I smile. “Fucking native speakers.”

“You don’t have to tell them right now, you know. Take your time. I know you’ve jokingly called them sister for years, and they’ve jokingly called you brother. When it’s real, it might suddenly feel different.”

Yeah. That’s exactly what I’m afraid of.

What I have with Neve and Eilish is the best personal relationship I’ve ever had. They’re my best friends, my little sisters, and my partners in crime, all rolled into one.

And I don’t want a single thing to change with that. I don’t want the way they talk to me, or see me, or think of me in the grand scheme of their lives to change one iota. But when I tell them that Ireally amtheir half-brother?

It can’tnotchange things.

“You’re both good, though?” Cillian says, changing the subject.

I nod as I look out over the ocean, sitting on the rocky shore as I talk to Cillian on my new burner phone. Since Callie and I got here two days ago, Cillian’s been acting asmynumber two, running things back in New York.

Under different circumstances, this would be hilarious to me.

I’m not ready to laugh about it yet.

“Yeah, we’re good.”

There’s a long pause before he speaks again.

“Callieis good?”

There’s no missing the amusement in his tone.

“Something you wanna ask me, Cil?” I growl.

He chuckles. “I don’t make it a habit to pry into people’s personal lives.”

“Itreallyfeels like you’re trying to say something without saying it.”

“And itreallyfeels like you’re being rather defensive over a simple question, Castle.”

I grin, glancing back toward the house. Callie is sitting on the screen porch reading an old paperback copy ofFor Whom the Bell Tolls.She looks up, as if sensing me looking at her, and smiles.

“You’re both grownups, Castle,” Cillian sighs. “And you’re capable of making your own decisions in life.”

“Except if those decisions impact an important relationship between two major crime families—”

“For fuck’s sake, Castle.” he growls, “If what you’ve told me is true, then you do realize that you’reactuallythe rightful heir to the Kildare throne…right?”

Fuck. Me.