Page 49 of Stolen Hearts

It’s a win for everybody.

Except Castle and me.

Well, it’s sort of a win for me. A secret, private win. One that I keep tucked way inside, like a hot little burning ember deep in my chest. But, judging from the glower on his face, it’s not at all a win for my new husband.

He looked annoyed before. After the accidental kiss, he looks like he’s at his own funeral.

But finally, after all the formalities, it’s over. It’s evening by the time Castle and I finally say our goodbyes and head downstairs. The security guys at the front door have already reported that there’s a car with men identified as Carveli soldiers parked down the street, with telephoto lens cameras, too. So when we walk outside to Castle’s waiting Range Rover, we both make a big show of hugging each other.

Which is technically breaking a rule. But I suppose we already did that today. Castle leans down with our heads turned to the side, my hair hiding us. We don’t kiss.

Yeah. I have a sinking feeling that’s never, ever happening again.

We stay like that for a full minute. Castle even dips me, making me genuinely shriek, as I wasn’t expecting it all. Finally, after a few more minutes, the car full of Massimo’s men starts up and roars away.

We’re in the clear. Instantly, Castle lets go of me and steps away. Instantly, he’s glaring into my eyes with a darkness that honestly scares me.

“What?” I mumble cautiously.

“Nothing. Get in the car.”

I shake my head, turning away from him. Angry and hurt by his icy coldness, and yet horribly, terribly,traitorouslywishing I could kiss him again, for real this time.

When I look away from him, my eyes land on the street corner, and I go still.

It’s the spot where he saved me about a year ago. Someone was trying to kill Neve, and they cut the cable on a wrecking ball at the building that was under construction across the street, sending the nine-ton ball of forged steel slamming down right where Neve’s new car was parked.

A car I was seconds away from getting into for a test-drive.

Except Castle got there first, yanking me back and taking the hit himself when we rolled onto a taxi as it screeched to a halt.

That wasn’t when I first fell for him, though. That came earlier.

It probably came the first time I ever laid eyes on him, the day Neve found out she was going to marry Ares. Butthatday? The day of the wrecking ball?

That’s when Castle James wrecked his way into my heart.

And look at us now.


I stiffen as I feel him step up behind me. As I feel the power radiating off him against my back through the wedding gown.

“Don’t what,” I mumble.

“Don’t read anything into that.”

He knows where my gaze is. I turn, glaring at him.

“I wasn’t.”

Except I do. Always. Ialwayslook at that spot, remembering the way he bolted and yanked me away from death, every time I walk past it. Which is frequently, considering it’s ten steps from my freaking front door.

“Come on, we’re leaving.”

I nod. Then I turn again to glance back at the spot once more. When I do, I frown.

Across the street from where Castle saved me from an ugly death, someone else is looking at that same spot. Or rather, they’re looking past it.