Page 85 of Falsifier


Chapter fifty-five


Everythingissorted.Gregoryoffered to take Nico house hunting, which is as much about get the kid out of the way as it is about Gregory learning more about me as a boss. I've no doubt he did his research before coming here. I would expect no less. And now one of my trusted little birdies had confirmed Carter is actually cutting Gregory off, so I am happy to trust him with his little brother.

It's nice to have the house to ourselves, Porter's vocal cries are best savoured when we are alone.

"Hey baby," I swoon up to Porter. He's been watching cartoons since my dad went, and I have the perfect way to distract him.

"Hell?" His suspicious frown is unwarranted.

"Caeo is tailing Nico and Gregory. Gladys has gone home to her mum. We have the house to ourselves."

"What are we going to do with Nico?" Porter mutters.

"Well, if Caeo doesn't want him, we have the perfect big brother to dump him with." I give a shrug, because as much as I'd love to have the house to ourselves, we have a duty to Nico that I won't turn my back on. "He can be your companion here during the day and then Gregory can take him home at night. I'll pay him a babysitting allowance if I need to."

"I feel bad about-"

"You never offered to take him forever. And no one wants that. Least of all him." I place my finger over his lips, and he inhales like there is a calming vapour coming from the tip. "Now. Come upstairs and I'll make you feel good."

I pull him by the hand and lead the way to the playroom.

"Strip, collar on and kneel on the cushion," I order, dreaming of a day when he could do this automatically.

Hus naked body is beautiful, his cock already half hard with anticipation.

"Good boy. Hands behind your back." I retrieve the restraints from the drawer. "Tell me your safe word."

"Muffins," he whispers.

"I've neglected you, and I am sorry for that." I kneel behind him and fix a padded strap around each wrist, pinning his arms behind his back. My hand ghosts across his body to his throat, which I squeeze around the collar.

"Remember the first time I held you like this?"

Porter's tiny nod is monumental as it exposes more of his throat to me. "In that moment, I didn't care about your sister anymore. I didn’t care about anything. I just wanted to sink my cock inside you and forget the world." I had no idea what power that would give him over me, and if I could go back I would only change one thing. I wouldn't give him the space I knew he needed. I would stay locked up in the bedroom and never leave his side. I wish I could do that now, but it will be a while before Gregory can do what Caeo was doing. Still, we have now, and we will have as often as I can manage.

"I love you Porter. I love you with all my heart."

"I love you too," Porter breathes contented. His eyes closed, his head resting back on my shoulder.

Is this the first time I've said these words aloud? Lord, I hope not.

"I need you to stand for me." I gently lift him by his arm, he follows me across the room to the bench, his eyes widening with the thrill of the unknown.

"There is a harness to hold you, so I'm letting you choose if you want your arms up or behind your back?" I show him everything, to help him decide. There is a chain hanging from the ceiling above the centre of the bench, and then one at either end.

"Above. Please." His words are like a guilty confession. It's a brave decision, leaving him much more vulnerable and exposed.

First the harness goes on, the straps running over his shoulders and from there it wraps around his chest. To make him completely secure, straps go around his thighs and the harness buckles in. Carabiners secure the harness to two lengths of chain which come together and fix onto the one in the ceiling. His hands move out to the sides as I free them from each other, and I clip them one at a time onto the chains. Using a pulley on the wall, I can shorten each of the chains until his tiptoes are barely on the floor.

"Climb onto the bench now treasure." I raise the harness to help him and soon my love is kneeling on the platform. It doesn't make him much taller than he is when standing, but it makes him so much more helpless. I balance the chains holding his arms so they are both level, supporting his limbs without taking any weight from the harness.

"Happy, treasure?"

"Mumhum." He answers in a drowsy haze of need.