Page 80 of Falsifier

"In person is not so good." I take a step back. "You go, hear his things. I will pack muffin basket." If I can leave before the words come out of Edward's mouth, the Russians would take me far away where I could start again.

"Nico." Porter grips my arm.

"I know. It must be harder for you, but-"

"Come and sit down, boy. You've guessed already so why not hear it." Edward stands up. His eyes fix on mine, and he actually sees me. With a soft smile, he pulls aside the folds of his jacket to reveal no gun. “You’ve never been squeamish to a few words."

"It is not me I worry for." My head turns to Porter. I worry how this will hurt him.

"If you don't want to listen to him, I won't make you." Porter stands closer as a sign of support, but he can't stop Edward talking to me, no matter how much he hates the man. Porter cannot save me from this news.

"Porter. Let me address this to you for Nico's sake, and then I will never speak to you again without invitation." Edward moves closer and my knees get weaker with every step.

"Tell me Nico's news," Porter decides, a bite of venom in his tone.

"I know you can never forgive me for taking your sister but allow me to repay it with a brother." Edward moves Porter's hand to mine, and I just know he's going to cry.

"You're my brother?"

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

The tears start flowing without control, he pulls me in and sobs his heart out.

"I knew this you would not like."

"When did you find out?" Knox rests his hands on my shoulders.

"Mama said my dad was back alley man. I thought she did not know." Speaking is hard with Porter's shoulder under my jaw, but I don’t know how to comfort him, all I can do is look pleadingly at Knox for help.

"I told him yesterday of my suspicions. Gregory brought the results in person." Edward fills in the words I can't manage. "You don't have to pretend anything now. Tell the truth."

Knox pulls Porter from me, my new half-brother may be crying, but he is somehow smiling too.

"Mama never say we come to England to find Papa. But it was all she wanted. I not wanted to come. The train was… Even with the extra layers it was too cold. She did not tell me who Papa is. Now you not want me here and I go with muffins."

"Oh Nico!" Porter throws his arms around me once again, gripping so tightly. "Did you really think we would kick you out?"

"I was not sure what you wanted from me."

"I wanted to be able to love you, while still loving Knox as my one and only. You being my brother is absolutely perfect."

"It's perfect for me too," Knox agrees. "You filled the gap left by my sister."

"It's um…" Gregory shuffles over. "I've not done this to a sibling before. It's not like I'm welcoming you to the family."

"Nico is our family," Knox growls possessively. It brings a smile to my face. No one has ever wanted me like that before.

"I'm glad he has someone who loves him. Dad wrote a letter, but you won't get anything more from him." Gregory hands me an envelope but it only makes me laugh.

"I may speak three languages, but the written word eludes me in any." Gavriil was my only teacher, he only taught me to count in English because of the playing cards.

"May I?" Knox reaches for the paper.

"Sure. It is no good to me."

"Dear Nico. In lieu of services rendered, I authorise the purchase of a modest home, and in your case, instead of social care, I offer furnishings. I wish you all the best for the future. C Turnbridge."

"I understand as much of that as the wiggles on the page."