Page 7 of Falsifier

Waiting patiently, I note the differences between this woman and Nico. She is the height of professionalism, translating word for word faithfully between the languages. Nico is always short and abrupt, but she lacks Nico's character and flare.

"He doesn’t know of anyone," Miss Thomas informs me. "But there is a hidden camera in Gavriil's living room light which records all their games."

"Fucking hell, that's amazing." That would be great news if we could find a recording. "Please give him our thanks."

Caeo turns away, already on his phone to the tech guys. If there is a recording of the event, we'll soon know exactly what went down.

Chapter six


Igodancingintothe living room like a happy fool with feet on fire; No one told me not to, probably because all the house security was out with me at the dance studio. I knew Knox was in the room, but I didn't know his dad was too. I am Edward's favourite almost-son-in-law, but even so, I don’t like the look he shoots my way.

"Is now a bad time?" I stop dead, taking in the faces looking back at me. Knox. Daddy-in-law-to-be. Caeo. Some men I don't recognise but have the beefy look of bodyguards to them.

"Yes. Sorry baby." Knox is standing at the sideboard with his laptop turned away from me.

"Is it Nico?" I can't think of any other reason why Edward and Caeo would be crowded around so close. "I just wanted to tell you I'm home from the club."

"Porter, baby, please. Buy the club, I don't care, I need to see this. I'll gush over everything later."

I'm surprised by his words; this man is desperate to get back to his laptop. If his dad wasn't standing right there, I'd think I caught him watching porn, and if so, I'd demand to watch with him. I don’t think I want to know what he's watching.

"I want to adopt homeless and disadvantaged women and offer them housing in the rooms on the top floor."

"Sure, babe, please. Not now."

OK. This is really serious. Like they've found Nico and filmed his interrogation.

His brutal and painful interrogation.

I have to get out of the room as fast as I can. Then I have to save him.

Chapter seven


Porterhastheworsttiming ever; we were just about to watch the near fatal events of that morning when he burst in. Well, maybe he has the best timing as nothing has happened on the recording yet. I feel terrible turning him away when he is so visibly excited, but knowing if a seedy bar has a second chance as a dance hall isn't a priority right now. It doesn't matter, knowing how little patience my boy has, I've already bought the place and submitted the planning application to change the use of the building.

Do I know my boy inside and out? Yes. It was bound to be what he wanted.

Did I have a back-up plan for the building if he came back with anything less than the enthusiasm he did? Also, yes. I may be a softie at heart, but I have the body and mind of a businessman.

Right now, there are no actions that would need to be taken, other than congratulating my boy on thinking it was his choice to pick that club, and that can definitely wait until after I watch this video.

So far Gavriil and Nico are having what appears to be a typical morning. Gavriil was drinking his coffee with a cigarette while Nico pottered around doing household chores. There is no sound, but they are clearly chatting contentedly. Neither appears distressed or out of character. Nico seems less bratty, but I always assumed it was an act put on to unnerve people who beg him to tell Gavriil to stop. The language barrier means Nico is the one questioning suspects, and I've often pondered on how that changes the power dynamics in a brutal interrogation. Confess your sins to a small teen or the big brute will hurt you. Now that I think about it, it's a terribly cruel position to put the boy in.

Breakfast continues as any normal morning would. Mentally, I'm waiting for one of them to pull a gun, to the point I hardly dare to breathe.

I am not expecting three men to burst in through the back door.

Three men with guns.

Gavriil grabs Nico protectively, dragging him behind his large body. The boy's head is about the height of Gavriil's bullet wound. I'm expecting the gun to fire through into the kid, but I can't think why they'd take his body in that situation. My anxiety is growing along with Gavriil's. It shouldn't be. We know Nico put his hands on the gun, we know the police didn't find any of his blood. I'm really struggling to find some relief in Nico's innocence.

There is no audio, but my guess is that the intruders are yelling in English, Nico seems to be translating to some degree. Everything is escalating rapidly; Gavriil isn't giving them what they want, he probably doesn't even know what they're after. He points left and suddenly Nico is running in response. The boy goes up the stairs and two of the guys follow. The third points the gun at Gavriil, still talking to the man. Gavriil talks back, both yelling in a language the other doesn't understand. As the big man steps forward like the imposing bear he is, the gun fires. I jump; the Russian goes down like a brick.

I'm in shock. Nico didn't fire the gun. In fact, the kid comes racing in through the back door moments later, jumping on the remaining man from behind. He grabs the gun, pulling it back into the intruder’s face and they both fall forward, Nico scrambling over the downed man to reach Gavriil.