Page 61 of Falsifier

"So, you were faithful, and there is no chance of you fathering another son in Bul-Romania."

"I was faithful until your mother's touch. She was my secret honey. I gave her everything. But she fell pregnant and wouldn't get rid of them. You. We talked about options and how we could make it work, but in the end, she decided what she wanted was a fresh start."

"What about after? Nico is eighteen."

"My wife could never satisfy me in bed, and after your mother left, I bedded many women," Carter confesses.

It feels good to know he did care for my mum, that she was more than a fling and a pregnancy she regretted.

"I was not in Romania eighteen years ago. Adrian, double check the year we made the Caster deal with the Romanian Andrei Balan."

So, my dad did go to Romania, just not long enough to make Nico his son.

Chapter forty-one


AllIneedtodo is find Tiffany Ellis and I can get my friends back. I'm not sure what our relationship is, or what I want it to be, but I want to see where it goes. Even if I end up with nothing, I am getting them out. There is no point calling Edward, he doesn’t know where she is, and Tiffany would be staying away from the place where her face is blacklisted. She isn't hanging around the Thayer territory when all the excitement is here. I don’t know her well, but she went to a lot of trouble setting everything in place. Now everyone us together, the dominoes in her plan are about to fall, and she isn't going to want to miss it. Even if I don't know ow her plan or what she wants out of all of this, I know she wants to be a part of it.

She is here, watching, eager to see how this unfolds. She wants to see the men she hates getting their payback.

She hates Porter for ruining her. She hates her dad for not wanting her.

She hates Knox for picking her brother instead of her.

She is here watching.

I may not have been in the prime sniping position when I called Carter, but I bet Tiffany is. Not with a rifle, but with binoculars.

Gavriil often told me how stupid I was, but every time, he said why be smart when you can be sneaky.

So, I sneak off around the side of the house instead of going straight to where I think she would be.

Bingo, as the weird English people say for some reason.

My sneaking pays off, as by the time I get around to the good sniper position, Miss Ellis is too engrossed in her binoculars to see me coming. She's well hidden in the rose bushes lining the lawn, like a visual barrier to block the garden wall from the house.

Pouncing on her as she lies on her stomach, I instantly have the advantage, and when she reaches around to slap me, I grab her wrists. Jeffery, or Gregory, or whatever Carter called the man, had a nice supply of handcuffs in his cupboard. Once the metal pins her wrists behind her back, it doesn't matter that she is bigger than me. She is well trained too, which doesn't surprise me, after Porter's display of skill on Mum's killer. She throws me off to the side, but her trapped hands keep her from leaving.

"You?" She gasps, struggling onto her knees.

"Yes," I pant, finding it considerably harder to rise back up, and not because my right wrist doesn’t bend. "It is me."

Although I will admit to not knowing the relevance.

"God, you're pathetic," Tiffany huffs. Referring to me as a deity before a derogatory comment about my current health is more confusing than insulting. My strength will return, and my sore skin will heal. The plaster cast will come off once the bones in my forearm fuse.

"You are one hiding in bushes while father and son are united."

"They are not united. Porter and his stupid boyfriend are prisoners."

"The cost of freedom is you, and now I have you."

"Damn it, you little bastard." She lunges forward, knocking me down, but even lying on my back, the cuffs give me the advantage. If either of us stand up, we'll be visible to everyone. After stealing the shower guy's phone, everyone is looking for me.

"You wouldn't be so quick to save them if you knew the truth," Tiffany baits me. "I know everything about you."

She sits back against the shrubs with a smirk on her face like she's not the one cuffed and hunted.