Page 5 of Falsifier

On my way, I run into Gladys. I should watch where I'm going, the poor woman has seen me in the buff too many times to be run over as well.

"Sorry, Gladys!"

"Good heavens, poppet, slow down! It's a good thing I'm so fond of you."

"Do you… uh…" It feels a little improper to ask the cook about something that happened so long ago.

"Yes. There are muffins in the kitchen." Gladys misinterprets me and I'm suddenly thankful. "I know you need to be skinny for all that dancing, but I wouldn’t be sad to see a little more meat on that body if it's going to be paraded around in full glory."

"Hopefully you won't be subjected to its full glory again." I nod my thanks at the tea and muffin that appears before me. "But, while we're on the subject of skinny boys."

"Ah, you want to ask about that ungrateful little sod."

"Well, that answers my question about whether you knew him." I sit at the table and take a bite of the muffin for the sake of my nerves.

"I'm sorry. I'm sure you think it is cruel of me, especially given what he's going through."

"I'm sure you have your reasons."

"Knox was beside himself when his sister died. No one knew who was to blame to begin with. That poor boy."

"Poor boy?" I question. "I take it you mean Knox?"

"No, I mean Nick. Nico. Whatever his name is. The little devil."

"You are going to have to tell me everything now. How can the poor boy also be an ungrateful sod?"

"You must think me rotten!" Gladys pours herself a cup of tea and sits opposite me. "He was quite cute when he came. He spoke little English and hid behind his mother. Her English wasn't great either, but Gavriil got her a job with Miss Carrie. Two months later, the boy spoke for her. He picked English up so quickly. He was a cheeky thing, far too old to be tied to his mother, but she depended on him. I'll confess that I mentioned to Carrie about why he wasn't in school and getting an education. She ate here so often and would frequently bring the boy with her; Knox was so close to his sister. That's when I discovered they hadn't come here legally. Then, good lord, that awful business happened."

It is nice to listen to her story, giving depth to the family’s grief. Knowing it wasn't just Knox who suffered through the loss of his sister. They all did. It makes me feel a little better about my sister. This Nico business has distracted me, but my last conversation with Mum has me worried about her plans. She'd been devastated at the idea Tiffany was going to do something to me, but so far, I've yet to see any trace of my sister.

"So why ungrateful?"

"Well, he’s always worrying Mr Knox. The man financially supports the boy out of the goodness of his heart, and yet the kid is always begging for more. Mr Knox is forever sending pizza or buying clothes. I just don't like to see Mr Knox worry. But now he has you to fuss over, so everything will be fine."

"Fine for Mr Knox. Nothing will be fine for Nico ever again."

"Well yes, poor boy. What a life!" Gladys blinks rapidly and has a sudden urge to rush off to the sink. I've upset her, and I should apologise, but I don’t know what to say. Sometimes it's best to shut up rather than keep digging away at the hole I've dug myself.

I just stupidly pick at my muffin while she composes her feelings without me making things worse.

Chapter five


I'vemissedacallfrom Porter, but as we're heading that way across town, we might as well stop in for lunch. That way I can find out what he wants and get a kiss. I never thought I was the kind of guy who hungered for kisses. I thought anything more than sex was just for show, but I find myself thinking about his plump lips when I should be working.

As it happens, we catch Porter eating muffins with Gladys in the kitchen, those kissable lips covered in cake crumbs.

"I thought I'd respond to your call personally." I walk past him to the coffee machine, stealing what I can grab from his muffin as I pass.

"Oy!" He slaps my hand in protest, but I still gain a few crumbs of deliciousness.

"I'll grab the pair of you some lunch." Gladys jumps away from the sink as Caeo takes a seat.

"Gladys has been telling me about Nico before…" Porter wisely stops before he says any more. Gladys looks too close to tears for them to have been discussing anything nice.

"Well, anyway. I also spoke to Freddie."