Page 17 of Falsifier

"Size. What size clothes do you wear?"

"Oh. Uh. You aren't needing to buy me clothes."

"Well, no one knows where you live, and you're not walking around in the buff, so tell me the size or I'll guess."

"I do not know." I'm not sure what size my clothes are, or what being in the buff means. I just need to accept that Knox's new toy has taken an interest in me. If the worst happens to Gavriil, this might be the thing that saves me from starving. "I am you sized."

Porter nods happily at that and pulls me up the steps to the front door. Being pulled by this excited man would be easier if I could stand, but I'm reliant on another man holding me up.

"Mr Stabby, please." I draw his attention to how difficult he is making things.

"Oh, sorry." Porter releases me and skips off into the house.

"What did you do to get his interest?" The man holding me up grumps. I know the man with his arms around me only as Graham, and jealousy doesn't suit him.

"Are you wanting to swap places?" Oh, if only that was possible! My new situation in life is dependent on Porter not getting bored of me, and Knox not getting bored of him.

As we get inside, I'm in awe. The hall is bigger than Gavriil's entire house. It's bright and clean and everything Gavriil's house isn't. It's going to be hard going back to Gavriil after this.

"Bring him over here first," Porter calls, waving at me from the bathroom. I've turned and started heading that way before my legs even decide on the change.

I'm suddenly in a bathroom, abandoned on the toilet seat by Graham.

"I've just grabbed this for you now. Please don't judge me." Porter reveals a pinkish onesie, which he unfolds for me. "I wear these onesies if I bruise from the poles, and I think it will help you for the same reason. No waistband."

My head drops and then I nod slowly. I've got rope burns across my hips and bruises everywhere I can see. No clothing is going to sit comfortably for at least the next few days.

"I've never worn this one because I managed to dye it in the wash."

Porter kneels down and I resign myself to being dressed.

Being pinned in one position for three days hasn't done my muscles and joints any favours, but I'm promised a full recovery by Michael.

"What is you wanting from me?" I whisper. I'm completely naked under this gown, but Porter is dressing me with dignity.


"Please tell. I need to know."

"I just want to be your friend."

"That is what you want?" I can do that, I think. I was Gavriil's friend, and he didn’t complain. "I can be you friend."

"There. We can be the best of friends and you can get better."

"Best friends." I give a smile, but I am wrapped in bandages, wearing a onesie.

This is my new life now.

Oh joy.

"You look sad. You don't mind the onesie, do you? I just thought it would be more comfortable."

"It is not onesie. I thank you for that… I just… I worry for Gavriil."

"Of course you do." Porter leans in and presses against me.

"What are you doing?"