Page 11 of Falsifier

"Tell the men we're going," I order, scooping Nico up in my arms like a sleeping baby. "Tell the doctor to prepare for us. Tell my father to meet us there to take the prisoners."

With my orders given, I don’t stop until I have Nico lying on the back seat of my car.

"With me," I call to Caeo. He comes running with blankets in his arms. Before we can wrap him up, we need to get Nico out of his cold trousers. Fortunately, Caeo and I can manage that while the driver gets us to the doctor. His legs are marred with the same technicolour of bruises.

I don't like the way his arms flop when he's moved. Not because the poor kid is so lifeless, but because his right wrist has a mind of its own.

"Did he break his wrist trying to get free?" Caeo mutters, his heart visibly wrenching with pity.

"Poor kid." I pull his arm across his body and wrap the blanket around him to offer it a little support.

Michael Kennedy can deal with most emergencies, but he draws the line at ongoing care. That's why Gavriil went to the official hospital in an ambulance. I have a feeling Nico is going to need long term care, but the thing that has me heading to the doctor is explaining how I have an unconscious, unregistered minor.

"No. No. No." The doctor meets us outside the door to his surgery. "I don't have the skills to save him."

"Michael, he needs help. We can't take him to hospital, they'll take him away."

"Maybe that would be the best thing for him. Give him a fresh start."

"Michael, I can't do that. Either you treat him or tell me how to treat him myself at home." Nico is getting heavy in my arms, but I have to convince the doctor to see him. The hospital may be the best place for Nico but the last thing this kid needs is a one way ticket back to the backwater country his mum fled from.

"Bring him in. I will give him a check over." Michael relents as his kind heart takes over.

"Thank you." In fairness, I could ruin this man if he refused me. But then we would need a new doctor for the next time I get myself shot in a moment of stupid valour for my boy.

My boy should be more important than the unconscious one in my arms, but I've known Nico for a long time. He is family.

"Put him down there. Let's take a look at what they did to him." Michael knows the whole story, it's always best to have our medical team fully prepared in these situations.

Lying Nico down as directed, I step away from his limp body.

"Alright, give me room."

Chapter ten


Ican’ttakemuchmore of Gladys' comfort. I rejected her tea and muffins; my stomach is far too knotted for that. Her arm around my shoulder isn't helping me, but I think it's doing something for her. I'm not sure if she feels guilt or pity for Nico, but any half decent human would feel for the poor kid.

Finding her as soon as Knox left was the only logical thing to do, after getting dressed, I'm sure the company has helped.

"Porter." Freddie runs into the room, calling me by name. "They've found him. He's alive, though barely."

"But they've got him?" Finding him and having him are different things and I need to be sure before I let this sink in. I don’t want to get excited for a fleeting glance, or some kind of standoff.

"Yes, Poe. I'm to drive you to the doctor's surgery to see him."

"Well, that's great news." If he’s ready for visitors, he must be OK. I throw on my trainers and float on a wave of relief to the car. Freddie climbs in the front next to the driver and I sit in the back. I know Knox and his dad always travel in the back as a way of being important, but I just feel like a naughty kid back here. A naughty kid too excited to sit still.

The building is the same place where we came after Knox was shot. It's a patch up and go kind of place, so I'm certain Nico will be home by nightfall.

Which makes it a complete shock to find him unconscious and looking like death.

"I thought…" I freeze in the doorway, I'm not angry, just numb. Knox and Caeo are both with him, both looking worried.

Nico's body is a mess from where he has been beaten, and rope burns mark his skin, red and raw. This isn’t a patch up and go. Even stitching up Knox after he was shot felt less life threatening than this.

For the first time since Nico went missing, I actually believe he could die.