Page 31 of Falsifier

"Marty had a message for him. But I don't know. I was just there for the money."

"How much is killing a boy worth?"

"My cut was six grand. Please don't do this."

"Answer this, is Marty dead or alive?"

"I don't know. You shot him and Connor."

"One dead, one alive. We have another person to question, so you sit tight there, OK?"

"No please. I can’t balance."

He's telling the truth. The barrel is too narrow at the bottom for him to kneel, so he's squatting on tiptoes. How exhausting. But I saw how Nico was suspended and I lack any compassion for him now.

"Have we got another barrel for the other guy?" I'm done with Mr I-know-nothing.

"I suggest you indulge in more active torture there," Caeo suggests. "Time isn't on our side."

"Well, gentlemen. You two are interviewing for Gavriil's position. You have your two victims. Go get happy."

On my orders, the two nameless men leave to impress me with their questioning skills. I don’t really care which man gets the job, or if they both do. I just need people questioned without my hands getting dirty.

"Hey, if you don't need this one anymore, I've got a guy who needs a bit of target practice." Caeo wiggles his eyebrows at me. He doesn’t have anyone; we don't use guns routinely. My special understanding with the police wouldn't last five minutes if I armed all my men. But it doesn't hurt to make Arsehole in a barrel shit himself just a bit.

"Sure. Give him a few hours though. I don’t want him accidentally killed."

Why is it all I want to do is speak to Porter and find out how Nico is. I want to hear Porter's voice so much, but I wouldn’t mind a little of Nico's snark in the background.

"How is the kid doing?" Caeo questions softly. He's always had a soft spot for the boy, but then, who hasn't.

"He is bruised and sore, but it’s mainly superficial injuries. His kidneys are working but he’s still feeling weak. Not to mention the rope burns and psychological trauma."

"What are his chances?"

"High. If we keep him rested, warmed and cared for." I glance at the man who caused all this. "Is there any update on Gavriil?"

I've been avoiding the hospital. I can’t show an interest in the man if I want the cops to think I'm not bothered with the outcome.

"I've heard nothing officially, but it's not looking good." Caeo sighs like he'd miss the man. I find the language barrier is helping distance my feelings. "What will you do with the kid?"

"You should take him and love him," I suggest once again.

"I don't know why you think I'm interested in him like that. I only look out for him because you asked me to. You're the one with feelings for the runt, not me."

I find that hard to believe. He's forever telling me what he's doing for the kid. Dropping off clothes bags, food parcels and Christmas presents. I never asked him to do all of that. He never bothered with Nico's birthday because I didn't know when it was.

I didn't know.

Oh, good lord.

He did all of those things because he is good to me. I didn’t ask him to do it, because he knows me so well, I don't have to.

"Suit yourself, I just wanted you to have the chance before I adopt him." I'm not sure that comment is good enough to cover my mistake, but it's enough to drop the subject.

"Talking of adoption, I've got him some more onesies in the boot. Comfort over appearance, hey."

"Definitely. I don’t want him getting sore."