Page 82 of Slayer

One more thing ticked off my to-do list.

“Can I phone Mum today?” Porter walks back to the table and sits. His body is far more relaxed than I've ever noticed before. My boy is truly at home here.

“You can phone her anytime you like. You don't need to ask permission from me.”

“I'd still like to,” he confesses.

“To ask permission?” What a good boy.

His answer is a simple nod. “You can tell me if I'm calling too much. Or maybe not enough.”

My treasure becomes deep in thought, eyes looking out of the window but not seeing the deer.

“You're worried that you'll enjoy yourself too much here and not want to phone her.” We complete each other perfectly. I can read him as well as he can read me. “I can see why, with so much change going on for both of you. Why don't you set a time and day, and stick to that?”

“Good idea. What days do you go out?”

“I'm always out on a Wednesday morning. Dad insists we play golf.”

“I hate golf, so I won't be missing out.”

“It's more about politics than the game.” Which doesn't help me any because I hate both. But I will step into Dad's shoes one day, so I need to know how this game is run.

“I really enjoyed last night. Being in control and stuff. I hope we can do that again sometime, without you getting shot.”

“It was very good, but we need to work on your dirty talk.”

“It wasn't very good.”

“I'm going to teach you to talk dirty, boy.”

“I can talk dirty.”

“Go on then.”

“Well obviously not now.”

“What can you do now?”

“I can make you laugh.”

“I doubt it.”

“I'm thinking of a word that starts with d and ends in ick.

“How is that funny?”

“Depends what word you're thinking of.”

“You know what word I'm thinking of.”

“Oh, so you're thinking of drumstick too.”

That isn't funny. It's so unfunny I can't help chuckle. Neither can he. His chuckling only makes me laugh harder. The harder I laugh, the more it hurts, but oddly enough, the more it hurts the more I just cry with laughter.

“Side splittingly funny,” Porter praises himself.

I'm not sure splittingly is even a word, but at this point I just don't care.