Page 65 of Slayer

“Yes,” I confess.

“Well, let's go help my possible future son-in-law.” Dad downs his brandy in one tip of his head and stands up.

How my jaw doesn't hit the floor, I'll never know, but Dad has abandoned his brandy glass and is halfway across the room. We're going to rescue his possible-future-son-in-law. Son-in-law. That comes with a legally acknowledged relationship, which means a husband. I thought Dad even speaking to Porter was too much to hope for.

“I know you've done your homework on this kid. Where does he work?”

Fuck. I know nothing about him.

“Jiggle 'em joint,” Caeo answers for me. Of course he did his job properly even if I didn't. “It's a gay strip club.”

“Your boy strips?”

“No.” I cringe at the answer that's coming next. “He is a pole dancer.”

“Pole dancer?” Dad pauses for a second before climbing into the car. “I need him to train up a few of the girls for us.”

“My thoughts exactly.” Dance instructor sounds a lot better than his current occupation. I already know he likes the idea of teaching others. “We've already spoken about a little studio with a flat above it to use as an office-”

“I'm sure we can find him something perfect.” Dad sounds far too enthusiastic about this. Porter is a boy from the wrong side of the tracks, just like Carrie's love was, and yet it is met with a vastly different reaction.

“Your mother will be over the moon,” Dad continues. “Although we should wait until this little skirmish is over. She's shopping and I wouldn't want to worry her.”

Mum is always shopping. It's how she copes with losing her only daughter, but retail therapy isn't the kind to fix wounds like that.

Sitting with Dad in the back, Caeo in the passenger seat, and some random guy I've never met as Dad's chauffeur, we head to save my boy. I just hope he still wants me after all this is over.

Why the hell does he live so far away?

Why the hell did I let him go home?

“Relax, son.” Dad shows me a rare moment of sympathy. “What's his name?”

“Porter Ellis.” His first meeting with my father is going to be so traumatic for his sweet nature.

“Well, that young man managed to tell us where he was, who he was with and what was going down with the dealer, without the guy knowing. I think he's doing well so far.”

“Well?” Porter has been kidnapped by a rival drug… dealer. OK, so I have no idea if this guy is cutting, laundering, or supplying. But at least now I know who Annie's contact is. And thanks to smooth talking from Porter, the guy has no idea I'm onto him.

“What's the plan?” Dad asks, bringing my attention to how close we are now.

“I'm going to run in blind and put a bullet in the fucker.”

“My son, blinded by love. Who'd believe it.”

After what my dad did to Carrie, no one. But Porter has changed all of that. I now know what it feels like to be prepared to die for someone.

“Just make sure you know who you're shooting.” Dad gives good advice and I have to wonder who this man beside me is. The idea of Carrie falling in love terrified the crap out of him, but this is a happier man here today.

“Well, go do your thing,” Dad chuckles. “My boys will deal with anyone else here.”

I don't need another word to spur me from the car and I'm racing into the building.

I burst in, gun drawn, and lay my eyes on the man who has my boy.

Every muscle freezes, Porter is in the corner, his face bloody, a bruise forming on his neck, and his shirt torn. He just stares at me with a shocked expression on his face.
