Page 61 of Slayer

A quick look of the balcony shows it's possible to climb down. Let's face it, I descend poles for a living, and while these supports are wider, I'm not trying to do anything fancy here.

Less than a minute later, my feet are on the grass. As I glance around for one last look before I go, my eyes fix on two figures in the window below the bedroom. Knox and Caeo are standing. Just standing and watching.

Of course it wouldn't be this easy to escape the great Knox Thayer. Men close in on me from behind. I have nowhere to go; even back upstairs is not an option with three men looking over the balcony at me.

“Hey kid, why don't you just open the door and speak to Mr Thayer. Save us all from getting hurt.”

I like how he implies I could hurt them. I couldn't fight my way out of a paper bag. My body turns back to the full length window between me and Knox, and I reach for the handle. It isn't anything to do with anyone getting hurt, or any aversion on my part to being manhandled back inside. I'm angry and Knox is going to feel my wrath.

“Porter?” Knox questions quizzically as I enter. “I thought we had an agreement.”

“Where is my fucking sister?” I move closer, unafraid of getting up in his face.

“We had an agreement. I let her go.”

“Fucking liar! I saw her,” I snap.

“You saw her go and thought you could sneak off yourself?” Knox questions accusingly.

“What? No. I saw her on the TV.”

“Come with me.” Knox turns on his heels and heads out of the small room. I have no option but to follow with all these men looking at me. “I knew I was wrong to trust you. After everything you said, you never planned to stay,” he spits at me.

“You never planned to let her go.” I counter, but my voice lacks the conviction I began with. “I wasn't trying to escape. I was going to find her.”

He opens part of the wall panelling and starts down a staircase. Well, that explains why I didn't find the basement.

“See. Empty.” Knox waits in the doorway as I hurry into the empty space with the two cages: both empty.

“Where is she?”

“I'd say I've let her go, but technically that isn't true until my men get her out of my territory.”

“But the video?” I don't understand. I saw her, she was here.

“An old video. I'm sorry.” Knox starts heading across to me. “I didn't hurt her, but I did let Caeo string her up for a short while in hopes it would loosen her tongue.”

“How long?”

“For the time you were blindfolded.”

“You…” My mind starts processing everything that we’ve done the only time I was blindfolded is… That's why he had me wearing that mask? So, he could watch my sister while he fucked me. “I don't… You fucked me while you watched my sister be tortured?” I screech at him backing away. “Who does that?”

“Porter, I’m sorry.” Knox takes a step towards me. “I need you to go back upstairs and we can discuss this later. My dad is coming over to talk about some business that needs to be resolved and it’s best he doesn’t see you.”

“Hmph,” What did I expect, that he would suddenly become a loyal doting boyfriend. I’m just the sidepiece to use while he gets off torturing people. This is more humiliating than all the rest of the things he put me through.

“Porter” I take another step back as he tries to approach me again. Knox sighs like I’m just a frustrated child. “Please go upstairs and when I’m finished we can sit down and talk this out. Whatever you’re thinking in that pretty head of yours is wrong.”

“I want to go home.” I won’t give him the benefit of seeing me cry over him. Knox concedes and steps back.

“I don't want to let you go, but if you need the space and some time to think. Caeo will take you home. Here.” He holds out a small phone. Because it’s perfectly reasonable to carry burner phones around in jacket pockets. My hand reaches out to take it, careful not to touch his.

“My number is saved in there. Call me if you need anything, OK? Or if you want to come back. I will call you later to arrange a date for tomorrow.”

“What if I don't-”

“Then don't answer.” Knox silences me. “For the first time in my life, I don't get to take what I want. I'm going to do this properly.”