Page 66 of Slayer


Vinceisgettingjumpythe longer it takes for Annie to pick up the phone. He hasn't hurt me badly, but the more time I'm trapped in the corner of his office the worse my situation is going to get. She'll never answer, she’s abandoned me, I know it. That or Knox didn't let her go after all. It feels more like Annie at fault.

Then suddenly, all my prayers are answered as Knox bursts through the door.

Mind you, that's all he does. He enters the room and then stops. As soon as Knox sees Vince, he freezes.

“He has a gun.” My words are as much encouragement as they are warning. He can't just come in here and stop when Vince is armed.

“You fucking bastard,” Knox mutters finally.

“Yeah? What are you going to do about it?” Vince pulls on my arm, trying to pull it out of the socket but only managing to pull me in front of him. I'm a human shield, protecting the wrong man.

“Wouldn't it be ironic if I'm the man who takes both Eddie Thayer's kids from this world.” Vince gloats, but his facts don't make sense according to Knox's story about his sister. Unless he is being metaphoric. Knox lost his sister because of who she fell in love with. Somehow I expected her to have higher standards, and now I fully understand why her choice didn't sit well with her dad.

“Not you?” I gasp. What is it about this man that has both sisters falling over him for.

Vince lifts the gun and I realise he's aiming at Knox instead of me. I have to do something.

Vince is well armed, with a gun and a knife; I've seen both. I've never fired a gun, never even held one, but any idiot can cut a cake. A man isn't any harder. I go for the knife, grabbing it from his waistband, knocking Vince's shooting arm down just as the gun goes off. It isn't enough. Knox stumbles back and falls.

After that, I just want blood.

Losing myself in the moment is so easy with dancing, and it turns out, stabbing a man is no different. After the first few blows, and he's fallen to the ground, I straddle his thighs and just keep going. All the times he came on to me, touched me, hinted at the things he wanted to do to me. And now he is trying to take away the one thing that could have been mine. I release a sob as I'm grabbed from behind.

“Enough.” Knox's body presses against mine. His hand reaches around for the knife, and I surrender it. My head drops, my chest heaves for breath as the adrenaline that fuelled me starts to dissolve.

“Knox!” My priorities realign as Knox falls away from me. “I’m so sorry, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault.”

“I'll be fine.” He may say the words, but the dampness on his suit jacket doesn't agree. He's been shot in the abdomen.

“I'll phone for an ambulance. Just please hold on.” I've still got the small phone in my pocket, but a hand grabs mine before I can fetch it.

“Men like us don't get to use the emergency room like other people.” An older version of Knox informs me. “Don't worry, I have a better option. He’ll be okay.”

Caeo enters the room with other men, hurrying to steal Knox away from me. The care and concern in Caeo actions is some comfort at least.

“Please hurry,” I beg, forcing myself to let him go. Trying to contain my sobs, I watch my man stumble from the room, his arms around the shoulders of the men he's relying on.

“Right. Let's see what we have here.” Thayer senior keeps his grip on my wrist, turning me to Vince.

“I've not done a very good job, he's barely bleeding.” What a disappointment after so many blows. I want to see Vince lying in his own blood. I want to see him fear for his life. After everything he's done to me and Knox, everything he's done to Tiffany and Carrie, and all the others we know nothing about. At least he isn't getting up.

“Mr Faraday. I told you I never wanted to see you again.” Edward Thayer turns his attention to the helpless man before him.

“Shouldn't have come to my bloody club then,” Vince huffs, making a valiant attempt to shuffle away from us. Despite the small size of the wounds, he is suitably incapacitated.

“You shouldn't have given me a reason.” Edward here

“Killing your daughter wasn't enough?” Vince laughs. I stabbed him at least ten times, if not more, and he's laughing. As long as it doesn’t look like I knew what I was doing.

“Get him out of here,” Mr Thayer calls and I flinch as I hear footsteps approaching. I'm about to get dragged away from my own crime scene, I am going to prison for the rest of my life for this. Knox will die and I will spend the rest of in prison.

The men I think are going to grab me, grab Vince instead. I'm so confused, but the only question I want to ask is when I can see Knox.

“You come with me.” Thayer gives me directions and I gladly follow him back to the car. I'm not expecting him to take me to the hospital after his earlier comment, but I'm expecting somewhere better than a warehouse. This can't be where they are treating Knox.

“Here.” The man hands me a hankie, and I'm grateful he lets me clean up my face a bit before we arrive. Just bruising and swelling remain, still presentable to see Knox.