My heart melts for this little old man who probably just made Nicholas’s night a little more comfortable.
“Thanks, Gordon, I appreciate the support, but let’s just worry about this great charity we are here to raise money for.” That’s the man he is. Doesn’t want any fuss or attention, be it good or bad.
“Right, yes, well, you have already given us a very generous head start. Go and have a drink on me and treat the beautiful Miss Victoria and your friends to a lovely evening. Enjoy, and like I said, call me. You’d be surprised about my contacts.” Chuckling to himself, he is already moving to the group behind us, and we head into the room that is full of glitz and glamour everywhere I look.
The room is full of men in mostly black suits with the occasional dark charcoal-gray, because you don’t want to be too outrageous. Every woman in this room has spent probably my monthly salary on the dress they are wearing and then will never wear it again. I feel a little sick to my stomach at how much Nicholas spent on my dress and shoes, but I doubt he would tell me how much, even if I asked.
People are looking at us, but you wouldn’t know that Nicholas is worried about being here. He is walking with such confidence and power in his stride. I should have reminded him that I have shorter legs, a very tight skirt, and ridiculously-high-heeled shoes on. If he doesn’t want to peel me off the floor where I have face planted, he needs to slow down a little.
Nicholas acknowledges people with either a simple wave or nod to say hello, but he has no plans to stop until we get to our table that Rem already made sure he knew where it was and who we were sitting with. He didn’t want any drama when we got here.
We have one of the prime tables at the front which reminds me that Nicholas is kind of a big deal in the business world. My man is powerful, and it’s hot as hell watching him in this kind of environment where he is controlling the room. People want to talk to him, but he chooses who he wants to acknowledge or not. That air of arrogance is something that needs a fine balance to still hold people’s respect before you fall into a reputation of being the guy no one wants to deal with. Watching him, he has the balance just right!
If I weren’t with him or if circumstances were different, would he be on the other side of the room chatting to people who were trying to catch his attention?
He slides my chair out for me, while Flynn is doing the same for Lou on the other side of me, when out of the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of someone I never expected to see.
“Tori,” he calls from two tables over and starts heading toward us. I hesitate to sit because I would rather be standing so I’m close to Nicholas. I have a feeling this could get tricky.
“Theo, what are you doing here?” I can feel everyone around me tensing, wondering who this random man is.
Before I even have a chance to say anything, he wraps his arms around me and pulls me away from Nicholas.
Shit, this isn’t good. Tonight, of all nights, no one needs to poke the bear next to me.
Quickly pushing out of his hug, I take Nicholas’s hand into mine straight away, giving it a fast squeeze of reassurance and trying to explain who he is.
“Everyone, this is Theo Cheston that I work with at York and Webb. Theo, this is my boyfriend Nicholas, Elouise, my friend I told you about, Flynn, Forrest, and Remington.”
“Girl, who are you kidding, you work with me? I have hardly seen you since the day you started. Boyfriend, huh, you work fast, from client to this,” he says, waving his hand in front of us.
“Steady,” I hear Forrest say, now standing beside Nicholas, and see his hand wrapping around Nicholas’s arm.
Theo has obviously been drinking before he arrived because he is already in the party mood. Just like the night we went for work drinks, he wants to be the center of attention. I’m just not sure this is the right sort of event for his kind of vibe.
I need to defuse this situation before it escalates further.
Totally ignoring his insult insinuating I’m sleeping my way up the ladder for a job, I change the topic. “What are you doing at this charity event, do you support this great cause too?” My voice gives away how uncomfortable I’m feeling, with the way it’s higher pitched than normal.
Oblivious to the fact he isn’t welcome here, Theo is still trying to take me by the hand to talk privately, which I manage to avoid.
“Don’t be silly.” At the last minute, he changes his words when I’m guessing he sees the look on my boyfriend’s face. “I mean, it’s a great cause, but no, I’m here on my parents’ money. They buy the tickets so they can say they are doing something good for the ‘poor’ people in the country, and I get the benefit of the good food and free drinks. And of course, all these gorgeous women around that I can then find a date for later tonight.”
This is exactly why I worked out after a few days at my job that I needed to distance myself from him. Theo is a complete and utter ass!
I don’t even have to answer because Lou decided it was her time to step up into the conversation. “I don’t know you, but in a way I’m glad. Anyone who demeans the importance of a charity event by just using it as a Tinder date meet-up is no one I would like to spend time with. You might work with Tori, but that doesn’t mean she has to socialize with you or your pathetic attitude, so off you go, back to your free food and drink.”
So much for not creating a scene here tonight.
“Wow, I’m guessing since you lifted your skirt for Mr. Darby here, you are too good for your work friends now. These ones seem soooo nice too…”
“Enough! Leave!” Nicholas steps forward and pushes me behind him, but Rem puts himself between Theo and Nicholas.
“You heard the man. I think this conversation is over for the night, and may I suggest you slow down on those free drinks.” Placing his hands on Theo’s shoulders, he turns him back in the direction of his table and starts to walk him back where he came from.
“I’m sorry.” My voice is a little wobbly as Nicholas turns and faces me again.
“Don’t be.” He wraps me in his arms and all feels right in the world for a split second. “None of that is on you. He’ll be lucky if I don’t get his ass fired.”